Boom Boom

"All I ever need to do is be to true to myself. Then, I will be happy."

Ooh, uber-late night post...

A few good things happened today (May 27th). First good thing: I got a job interview at Best Buy on Saturday!! Moses passes to Ryu, Ryu shoots, HE SCOOOOOORRREESSSSSS!!!! Jesus didn't save after all.
Anyway, really excited for that. I have a really good feeling about this, and I think I'll be able to advance myself a little further now that I can finally get things that I want.
Second thing was awards night. I sat next to Kat the entire time, so although it was long, we were able to entertain ourselves easily. There was an award called the Daughters of the American Revolution Award, and a boy won it. :O Kat won various good student high grades awards (and a cool sash), and I got the Louis Armstrong Award, which is given to aspiring jazz musicians. I'm not really much for awards, but it was still kinda neat. Another amusement game was randomly announcing myself for awards I didn't win in a Mexican soccer announcer voice.
"And the suprise third winner for Best Student Ever award goes to.....RODRIGOOOOOO.....GONNNNNNZALAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!"
That's a sweet name.
And onto anime...
I watched the eighteenth episode of Axis Power Hetalia, which is very funny, so I'm up to date on that. However, what really caught me off guard was this strange urge to watch Gravitation. I watched one episode on Tuesday, and I just finished the last episode. I know I wasn't sucked in for the romance, and I definitely know I wasn't sucked in by the gayness; I think I just really liked the music portion of it. Especially the first couple of episodes, where he does some really embarassing things onstage, things that made me wanna curl into a ball and die. It reminded me of my share of stage embarrasements...*shudder*
But what I think I really liked about it was that no matter how fucked up the love relationship got, everything still seemed to revolve around the music (thus the name Gravitation?) It made me really look forward to the new people I will meet when I go to college, the new musicians I'll play with, being part of something where I'll be able to play things how I want to play them, without it being some scheduled class that I don't really care about. To make it short, since this probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, (it's late) it made me excited. Just watching it made me wanna lay down some new grooves on the bass, or just pick up my sax and start blowing. During high school, there were only a few moments where I felt that I was truly making music, and soon, it's gonna be a full time thing. I want to be ready. I wanna blow.
I can't wait.

