We only make friends to get more Arcanas.

"Nobody will ever win the Battle of the Sexes. There's just too much fraternizing with the enemy."

Hey all.
A few days ago, I acquired Persona 4. I've been meaning to get this game for awhile, but never seemed to reserve enough cash whenever I went to Gamestop. Also, I had initially wanted to get Persona 3 first, and recommendation from a dude I know on Xfire, but the past several Gamestop visits I had never found it. So I said What the hell, spent 32 bucks, and got it, and told myself to beat it in seven days so I can get a full refund.
First, I was mad. Very mad. The intro to the game is long, boring, and sucky. The English VAs were cheesy, the initial story was repeated over and over again, and the only skill level required to get through the first two hours of the game was the ability to press the x button. However, Ryo ensured me that it gets better, that these shit intros were just how Atlus, the game company, do these kind of things, and that I should keep playing.
Well, it got better. The gameplay goes from pointless conversation to turn-based rpg gameplay, and it actually has a neat hybrid of sociality and action, as well as develops an obsessive need to check the weather. I had played the MegaTen mmo, so I was already familiar with the persona fusings, which is a cool element to the game.

Anyway, I'll give a final score once I beat the damned thing, which might not be in seven days, due to a trip to Peshtigo, Wisconsin I'm taking today, and not getting back till Sunday/Monday. It'll be Wisconsin canoe racing, so I'll get my ass handed to me on a carbon fiber paddle, but I was able to win money last year, so my hopes are up. Precious money that'll go towards potential Youmacon.

Speaking of Youmacon. I'm still not a confirmed goer, but I'm making an effort to raise the probability to 100%. I'll buy the prereg before June thirtieth at the least, when my debit card gets mailed to me. Hopefully, I'll be able to hold onto enough money that I make from mowing the lawn all the way to October, by which time I should have buttloads. So we'll see.
As for cosplay, I think I finally settled on an idea of what I would go as, considering I do go. Kastom, Mew, and I were in the chat room a few nights ago, and Kastom gave me a great idea. He said that the first con he went to, he went as Kastom, the original character. And I thought..."I could do that. I could totally go as Ryu!" Problem is, I need a character design, and there's no way in hell I'm doing it. I'll make it Katana's job to do a final sketch. I won't ask, it's just gonna be her job. :D But! I still need ideas, from you, the people, of what you think a Ryu OC would look like. He needs to be epic! Something that would actually make me work in terms of making the costume! Send me your ideas in the form of text/sketches, and I'll hand it all over to Kat, whether she wants to do it or not. I'm such an ass...

Found this in the cards section, wish I had thought of it first.

Hopefully be back for MST chat...
