my smexy werewolf....!!!!!
i totally agree with you, man!
new moon was a bit disappointing though...i got bored half way through the movie...but then got reeeaallly exited again when Jacob cut his hair!XD
but still. EDWARD is still teh best!!!!!!!!!!
*shakes head* I'm sorry dear BB-chan, but I must disagree. Jasper is zee best. AGREE OR DIE. >:( I was really disappointed with Twilight... *had great expectations for it* Besides the fact that I was comparing it to the book WHICH IS AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZI- *mutters and turns turn-table off* I think the record got scratched...
Alright, I'm glad they didn't change all that much of it... I might just have to wait till it comes out on DVD to see it though...
Maaaayybeee... =3 I'll get to see him at the latest in 3 weeks... Nothing's official, yet, though... =>.>= But it looks like it'll be that way! =OwO=
What?! That's highway robbery! =OAO= 75 billion!? =>.<= Couldn't you give me a birfdai discount...? =O^O= But I understands... =>u<= He has MASSIVE pheremones! X3 I think it would be strange to be drooling over Jacob in front of him... =>.>= Even though he did ask me which Team I was on... TEAM JACOB!!! X3
No no no... he's better with longer hair... Just imagine it rippling down to his rippling... pecs... =>.>= X3 Lmao! I only saw a glimpse in the commercials (and of course, in the first movie...) but he just gets smexier every year! X3 Who WOULDN'T love a werewolf for a bf!?!
TSU-SAMA!!!! *flying glomp*
Neither was I, man!!! =V.V= I was soooo distracted... oooooo, too hot... nnnh!!!! can't resist the pull....!!!! ahahahaahah!!!! i can't stop staring at those gorgeous abs!!!! and he's got a baby face...kinda...ahhhh!!!!!
XDXD XP, i thought he looked like Faery Prince-boy. i'm glad his hair is short now!!! it's smexy!!!
i can't deny that it was good. i just can't.
oooOOOOooo, new bf, kitty-sama?? congrats!!!! i'm sworry!!! but... i couldn't help it... his phermones are WAY too strong fer meh... HAPPY B-DAY!!!! ONE JACOB TO GO!!! GOT IT!!! NOW THAT'LL BE... $75,000,000,000. thanks m'am!!! I HOPE U GET TO SEE IT!!!! PLZ, YOU MUST!!!! or have your new honey take umwahahahahahaha!!!!!
O.o, u did? i didn't.. i thought he looked... weird... but in teh book, i liked the jacob with long hair..
no!!!! emmet is teh best!!!! but, yeh, me too!!! he COMPLETELY SHOWS UP ROBERT. IT'S TOO BAD, REALLY. YESH. YOU MUST SEE IT!!!! i don't like him as edward either, but... ... ... >///< jacob!!!!
um, they kinda did, but not that much. he was still gone, like in the book. only one scene from the movie with edward that was not in the book, so they didn't really change it...
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
JACOBU!!!! =OVO= *uber squees till she bleeds from her own ears* AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!! XDDD I LUFF JACOB!!! Edward fine but JACOB!!! =>V<= He's da UBEER SMEX!!! *drools over picture* Oh curses! Just when I'm going to get a bf soon, you have to bring this AWESOME picture up! I can't look at this when I'm almost going to be un-single! *stares* XD
I sooooo want to see that movie... =;A;= I wonder if I can get to see it as a B-day gift? Yes today's my Birthday! XD Can I haff Jacob wrapped up to go? X3 lol I like him sooo much better with longer hair, though X3
*spazzes out* I WANT TO SEE IT. NOW. Yeah, in the book I was team Edward *cough*JasperistheBEST!*cough* but in the movies I'm Team Jacob... I mean, look at Robert....then look at Taylor... Need i say more??? Besides the fact that he kind of fails at being Edward in the movie.......
Did they REALLY change everything a ton though from the book so that Edward would be in it more? That's what I read somewhere....
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/29/09 | Reply
@Blood Huntress:
HEY!!!!! I DON'T TALK ABOUT YAOI ALL THE TIME!!!! *looks back at posts* ... oh... well... maybe
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/02/09 | Reply
*back tracks and re-reads post* *gasps*
Was....there really no mention of yaoi in this post, dear BB-chan???????
*falls over in dead shock*
cresendo pianist
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/30/09 | Reply
my smexy werewolf....!!!!!
i totally agree with you, man!
new moon was a bit disappointing though...i got bored half way through the movie...but then got reeeaallly exited again when Jacob cut his hair!XD
but still. EDWARD is still teh best!!!!!!!!!!
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/27/09 | Reply
@beloved blood:
*shakes head* I'm sorry dear BB-chan, but I must disagree. Jasper is zee best. AGREE OR DIE. >:( I was really disappointed with Twilight... *had great expectations for it* Besides the fact that I was comparing it to the book WHICH IS AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZI- *mutters and turns turn-table off* I think the record got scratched...
Alright, I'm glad they didn't change all that much of it... I might just have to wait till it comes out on DVD to see it though...
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/27/09 | Reply
@beloved blood:
Maaaayybeee... =3 I'll get to see him at the latest in 3 weeks... Nothing's official, yet, though... =>.>= But it looks like it'll be that way! =OwO=
What?! That's highway robbery! =OAO= 75 billion!? =>.<= Couldn't you give me a birfdai discount...? =O^O= But I understands... =>u<= He has MASSIVE pheremones! X3 I think it would be strange to be drooling over Jacob in front of him... =>.>= Even though he did ask me which Team I was on... TEAM JACOB!!! X3
No no no... he's better with longer hair... Just imagine it rippling down to his rippling... pecs... =>.>= X3 Lmao! I only saw a glimpse in the commercials (and of course, in the first movie...) but he just gets smexier every year! X3 Who WOULDN'T love a werewolf for a bf!?!
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
TSU-SAMA!!!! *flying glomp*

Neither was I, man!!! =V.V= I was soooo distracted... oooooo, too hot... nnnh!!!! can't resist the pull....!!!! ahahahaahah!!!! i can't stop staring at those gorgeous abs!!!! and he's got a baby face...kinda...ahhhh!!!!!
XDXD XP, i thought he looked like Faery Prince-boy. i'm glad his hair is short now!!! it's smexy!!!
i can't deny that it was good. i just can't.
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
oooOOOOooo, new bf, kitty-sama??
congrats!!!! i'm sworry!!! but... i couldn't help it... his phermones are WAY too strong fer meh... HAPPY B-DAY!!!! ONE JACOB TO GO!!! GOT IT!!! NOW THAT'LL BE... $75,000,000,000. thanks m'am!!! I HOPE U GET TO SEE IT!!!! PLZ, YOU MUST!!!!

or have your new honey take u
O.o, u did? i didn't.. i thought he looked... weird... but in teh book, i liked the jacob with long hair..
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
@Blood Huntress:
no!!!! emmet is teh best!!!!
but, yeh, me too!!! he COMPLETELY SHOWS UP ROBERT. IT'S TOO BAD, REALLY. YESH. YOU MUST SEE IT!!!! i don't like him as edward either, but... ... ... >///< jacob!!!!
um, they kinda did, but not that much. he was still gone, like in the book. only one scene from the movie with edward that was not in the book, so they didn't really change it...
Transient Rain (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
I saw the movie on Tuesday and was not disappointed by the eye candy!!!!
<3 <3 <3
Whe Jacob had long hair tho'... I thought he looked a bit like a merman...
My friend thought he was more of a centar tho'...
Oh but the sexyness of the half naked wolf boys!!!
T'was awsome. T'was awsome.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
JACOBU!!!! =OVO= *uber squees till she bleeds from her own ears* AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!! XDDD I LUFF JACOB!!! Edward fine but JACOB!!! =>V<= He's da UBEER SMEX!!! *drools over picture* Oh curses! Just when I'm going to get a bf soon, you have to bring this AWESOME picture up! I can't look at this when I'm almost going to be un-single! *stares* XD
I sooooo want to see that movie... =;A;= I wonder if I can get to see it as a B-day gift? Yes today's my Birthday! XD Can I haff Jacob wrapped up to go? X3 lol I like him sooo much better with longer hair, though X3
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/26/09 | Reply
*spazzes out* I WANT TO SEE IT. NOW. Yeah, in the book I was team Edward *cough*JasperistheBEST!*cough* but in the movies I'm Team Jacob... I mean, look at Robert....then look at Taylor... Need i say more??? Besides the fact that he kind of fails at being Edward in the movie.......
Did they REALLY change everything a ton though from the book so that Edward would be in it more? That's what I read somewhere....