Yo~!! I decided to change the name of this world for a little change, y'know? Yes, it's named after the awesome theme song of a certain game. It gets crazy in here, y'all. Zack and Angeal! I love them~~ and I'll just keep spreading that love. And Lightning. Yeeeeeeeeah.

Now if only there was one with Zack AND Angeal! That would be so cool, so cool... *Robot Chicken impression* That show is not meant for children.

Enjoy the craziness that will rain down upon you!!!

*E3* [Square Enix]

Hey! I would've watched the live stream of E3 they were hosting on GameStop, but I completely forgot about it D:. One year, I hope to go to E3. Anyways, this year there were lots of announcements from three of the biggest gaming com...

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Happy Anni, FF!!

Hello all or none!! 'Tis I, bb-chan!!

Really, I just wanted to say "Happy Anniversary, Final Fantasy!!!" (and now I did). Aww, I forgot about KH TT^TT, I sorry... here, I'll blame it on skool!! Yeah! Anyways,

Yours is truly a greater greatness than greatness itself!

Aww, yeah.

Be Still, My heart!!!

Yo! 'Tis BB-chan!!

I haven't done much of anything in a long time, ne? Yeah... skool and stuff. Though I will have something to post coming soon... in the art section... hopefully for my dear friend. Now...

My heart!! Argh!!! Waaahhhh!!! Every time I see a new game (especially those from Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts) I can't help myself. I'll order games that are ten years old and it goes on from there. I just now watched the OP from Final Fantasy Dissidia, since I have Dissidia 012 (I got it a long time ago >.>), and now... this rushing... in my heart! I must have you!!

Yeah... this happened a few days ago as well, I believe... I suddenly had to play FFXII: Revenant Wings (since I love FFXII so flippin' much, it was my first FF game and I fell in love with the gameplay)... dang!! My gamer soul!!! And now... I've bought FFIII, FFIV, FFVII- Crisis Core, FFX, FX-2, Dissidia 012, FFXII: Revenant Wings...and let me not mention Kingdom Hearts. My freakin' warpath is not over!! Oh, I know where this stems from. I always want to know the games that came before. Hmmm. One day I'll stop, ne? Just not today, or next year or the years after that.

Balthier<3~ And I love you too, Basch<3~
