Yo~!! I decided to change the name of this world for a little change, y'know? Yes, it's named after the awesome theme song of a certain game. It gets crazy in here, y'all. Zack and Angeal! I love them~~ and I'll just keep spreading that love. And Lightning. Yeeeeeeeeah.

Now if only there was one with Zack AND Angeal! That would be so cool, so cool... *Robot Chicken impression* That show is not meant for children.

Enjoy the craziness that will rain down upon you!!!

[for the fangirls] DRAMAtical Icons

Hey y'all! BB-chan here (well duh, who else? :P)! It's been a while since I've posted anything, so I thought I would make my first post a gift of sorts! Recently, I've become aware of a download for Dramatical Murder. I'd seen it on MT a l...

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It's a late present...

(download them here)

Happy late birthday, vampyhitsu! I made these especially for you! So I hope you enjoy them ^_^~ Or actually, you don't have to download them do you, imouto-chan?
