Yo~!! I decided to change the name of this world for a little change, y'know? Yes, it's named after the awesome theme song of a certain game. It gets crazy in here, y'all. Zack and Angeal! I love them~~ and I'll just keep spreading that love. And Lightning. Yeeeeeeeeah.

Now if only there was one with Zack AND Angeal! That would be so cool, so cool... *Robot Chicken impression* That show is not meant for children.

Enjoy the craziness that will rain down upon you!!!

Kingdom Hearts 3D/Dream Drop Distance Maddness

Yo! Here I am again! So, all of us KH fans out there know that the sparkly new KH game will be coming out in July. I don't have a Nintendo 3DS, unfortunately, but I'm going to go preorder KH anyways, not having the right console has never s...

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