Yo~!! I decided to change the name of this world for a little change, y'know? Yes, it's named after the awesome theme song of a certain game. It gets crazy in here, y'all. Zack and Angeal! I love them~~ and I'll just keep spreading that love. And Lightning. Yeeeeeeeeah.

Now if only there was one with Zack AND Angeal! That would be so cool, so cool... *Robot Chicken impression* That show is not meant for children.

Enjoy the craziness that will rain down upon you!!!

Tagged a Second Time!

Hello to all again!! XDD I was just informed i got tagged before *sheepish smile* I sorry, Kitty-sama! I didn't know BUT NOW I DO!! AND I WILL DO IT*nods*!!! And thanks for the tagging :D.

Rules for the Game:
1. You must post these rules (Very Important indeed).
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

Here are Kitty K.O.'s questions:

1. What are you currently trying to accomplish?
Right now I’m working towards getting a certificate in Phlebotomy so I can work and buy a Siberian Husky puppy, then move out and work some more! Then I’m going to work on my dreams! *does an Angeal sword-bow* *determined face*

2. What's your favorite book (not manga)?
My favorite book in the world… well, actually there are three. They are : Sleeping Ugly (I f-ing love this book, and have for a very long time!!! Nothing can stop my love!!),Toot and Puddle Travel the World (I know it says something about world traveling. I can’t help it, even though it’s a children’s book, I still love it), and My Swordhand is Singing (I looooove this book so much).
3. Grossest thing you've ever eaten? Or least favorite food.
It’s a cross b/t asparagus, any type of bean besides black beans (in Chipotle), and grape leaves. Yuck.
4. Ever had any pets? If not, what kind would you want?
I used to have two cats when I was a kid, and now I have two fish. I had six others who have all tearfully passed on. Asa-chan and my new Tsukishiro, they are bettas and I love them!
5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
No, I don’t. For material objects, yes, and for music. I think you can love the outside or actor/musician/artist aspect of a person (like I love Hyde and Satoshi!), but to really love them, you have to get to know them first.
6. Video games or outdoor activity?
Oh… that’s hard. I love to smell the rain… and be outside at sunset and when it’s cloudy (also when it snows *u*). But I am not an outdoorsy-type person, so video games!! YEAH!!

7. If they discovered that Mars was inhabitable and made a town with all necessary resources, would you move there?
Nope. I like the beach too much :D. And besides, wouldn’t we need to live in a bubble or something? Noooo thank you! But it would be kinda cool to see space… hm… I get back to you on that in 10,000 years!! XD
8. Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate? Tea or Coffee?
Oh, no question! Dark chocolate and tea!! XD Unless the coffee is from Gloria Jeans *drools*
9. If you found out you significant other (bf or gf) "accidently" cheated on you, would you try to work things out or would you kick them to the curb, no questions asked?
Hrm… I would be really angry, but I think I would want to know why they did such thing. Then I would kick them to the curb if his answer was something like “she was so hot”.

10. A genie gives you three wishes... What are they? (And no wishing for more wishes)
My first wish is to give me an all -powerful-but not to powerful- computer so I can start working on my game dream! My second wish is probably something stupid!! And my third wish is for… um, not world peace, but for the small children who need help!! They need protection!

11. Looking forward to 2012? (Don't worry, Kanye's already informed us that he interrupted the end of the world. We've got another several billion years of existence)
Er, not really. I don’t want to be twenty yet!! Thank you, Kanye >.>… sure.

... I vonder if I should go and think of more questions? Eldeweiss, help me!!>XD

Tagged a first time!

Hello. It's been a while, ne? I'll try to post more often!!
Anyways, I was tagged by alphonse13, and now I shall do it!

Rules for the Game:
1. You must post these rules (Very Important indeed).
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

Here were alphonse's questions:

1. What country were you born in?
The sweet ol’ US of A!

2. Where would you like to live in the future?
Er, somewhere not too hot. I don’t like very hot weather or summer warm or cold, that’s good (but I love the beach and FL). And I want to stay in JP for a year or two XD.

3. What anime character do you think you'd be really good friends with?
Hm… for some reason… I’m thinking Rin Okumura. I’m crazy. He’s crazy. We can be crazy together.

4. Are you allergic to anything?
I am mildly allergic to dishwashing detergent. >_>

5. How many siblings do you have?
Two -_-

6. What anime would you like to see a video game of?
Definitely Deadman Wonderland or Blood+.

7. How would you describe yourself with 5 words?
Insane for no reason!! Devious >:P.

8. What anime if any do you dislike?
Blood+! Deadman Wonderland! Code Geass!! Oh wait, I love these... um... that I dislike? Let's see... I've actually never liked Haruhi; mainly because I could never get into it. Manga?? Beauty Pop, Magic Touch; never got into those either. Also Punch, which left me high and dry with the last volume.

9. Whats a weird fact about you?
I talk to all my plants and fish :D.

10. Whats your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
Nuthin, let my brain rot with video games!! Unwind and rewind for the school week -_-. Play FW and ESO and bug some ppl.

11. If you were a character in an anime, which anime do you think you'd fair the best in?
Hmm… er… Vampy Knight b/c I’ll be surrounded by hot guys!! And blood ^o^.

Okay, here are the questions I came up with. I'll try to keep 'em tame!

1) First off, Zack or Cloud? (‘Tis an important question!)
2) Do you have a language you want to learn, and what is it?
3) What are your favorite bands and type of music?
4) What character (of any series or whatever) do you identify with?
5) What’s the oldest game that you’ve played?
6) How long have you been an otaku?
7) Do you like to cosplay? What was your favorite cosplay?
8) What genre of anime/manga do you like the best?
9) Would you live in medieval Europe, Celtic times, feudal Japan, ancient Greece or ancient Egypt?
10) What’s your favorite season?
11) What kind of pet would you like to have if you like pets?

Thanks to everyone who takes their time to do these!
