Welcome to the World of Randomness!

Some Tidbits About Me

Name: Ari

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Place of Residence: The US of A

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown (Too dark to be colored without bleaching)

Hobbies: Writing, drawing, singing, anime, chillaxin, learning Japanese, and acting.

Favorite Anime/Manga: Bleach, Inuyasha, xxxHolic, Hell Girl, Mushi-shi, Ghost Stories

Likes: Comedic plays, video games (currently a bit of a Skyrim addict,) cats, birds, derping around on Photoshop.

Dislikes: People whose native language is English yet show little grasp of it in their writing, sitting and doing absolutely nothing, forced conversation.

Please, We Need Your Help!

If ANYONE, even if it's just browsing, is reading this, I need your help. As I stated in the introduction, my friend and I have this show called IWIT (for Inuyasha What Is This?). It is actually pretty funny if you know Inuyasha. This is my plea:

IWIT is dying. No one has been reading the scripts lately. We need your help in reviving it. Please, even if you're just browsing, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE visit Kura neko orangeo's world. It has the first script, and I will be posting them as well. Please, have mercy and help bring back IWIT!
