Welcome to the World of Randomness!

Some Tidbits About Me

Name: Ari

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Place of Residence: The US of A

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown (Too dark to be colored without bleaching)

Hobbies: Writing, drawing, singing, anime, chillaxin, learning Japanese, and acting.

Favorite Anime/Manga: Bleach, Inuyasha, xxxHolic, Hell Girl, Mushi-shi, Ghost Stories

Likes: Comedic plays, video games (currently a bit of a Skyrim addict,) cats, birds, derping around on Photoshop.

Dislikes: People whose native language is English yet show little grasp of it in their writing, sitting and doing absolutely nothing, forced conversation.

Time to Let Go

I wrote a really depressing Calvin and Hobbes fanfiction a few weeks ago and posted it on Fanfiction.net under the pen name Cherry Blossom Petals of DOOM. I just thought I'd post it here. Who knows? Maybe I'll make it into an official fan word....

Read the full post ยป

A Tribute to the Duo

This is a poem I wrote as a tribute to Calvin and Hobbes, two best friends created by the wonderful Bill Watterson.

Best friends, day and night
Each never out of the other's sight
Hobbes the tiger, Calvin the boy
To others the tiger was no more than a toy

From G.R.O.S.S, to sledding down snow-covered hills
Their parents were tortured by babysitting bills
Plotting revenge against monsters unseen
To girls, the duo was just plain mean

Summer to autumn, winter to spring
With every season the two did bring
More and more mischief, more and more fun
They played and they played 'til the set of the sun

Now I give the creator of Calvin and Hobbes
For the effort he put in these beautiful jobs
He has indeed earned my all-out respect
Even though he's retired, last time I checked

To give such life to a panel so small
Such talent is scarce, yet he answered the call
He gave readers out there so much to ponder
His strips did not give the mind time to wander

Best friends, day and night
Each never out of the other's sight
Hobbes the tiger, Calvin the boy
To others the tiger was no more than a toy

Summer to autumn, winter to spring
With every season the two did bring
More and more mischief, more and more fun
They played and they played 'til the set of the sun
