"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."

for writing of all kinds. (concrit welcomed. ♥)

College App Essay

Keeping up the whole "let's post really random shit on here because I can!" thing that I started last post, here's one of the Common Application supplement essays I wrote for Kenyon.

Prompt: Along the edge of ancient maps it used to say 'Here there be monsters.' What does it say at the edge of your map and why does it say that?

My map depicts everything I have experienced throughout my life thus far: the people I’ve met, the emotions I’ve felt, and the hurdles I’m jumped, while the borders represent the paths that lie ahead for me. Thus the edge of my map would simply state ‘Here lay the start of new journeys.’ {Looking back, I think it's supposed to be "lie" rather than "lay."}

I don’t believe the unknown is a monster to be frightened of; rather, unfamiliar territory represents fresh opportunities and new perspectives. Fear of the unknown does not impede me from grabbing hold of options in my life that require change; I would not be willing to move from one of the largest metropolitan cities in the country to a small town in Ohio if I were reluctant to live a life different from the one I’ve known.

If I were to limit myself to only the things within the constraints of my map, too scared to fight the monsters that roam outside my comfort zones, I would miss out on the chance to meet multitudes of new people, to see and feel things I never will if restricted, and most significantly, I would let pass the chance to live my life to the absolute fullest. My map needs constant expanding, even if it requires me to fight dragons to reach uncharted lands.


Haha. I get kinda cheesy with the metaphors at the end, but I think I might like this the best out of all the essays I wrote to Kenyon. Especially since I typed this up extraordinarily last-minute and basically ended up winging the whole thing, after weeks of being all, "WHAT DOES THIS PROMPT EVEN MEAN??"
