Alright, due to the fact I am pretty much useless with computers
I have made a new account for my story.
I'm sorry to all of you, but I changed the names of the characters. (sorry) because I wasn't satisfied with them and because it wouldn't make sense later on if they had names from different origins... you'll find out why...
Anyways, my new username is Sonne and the new world which will contain the vampire story is Phwoar
. lol. Don't ask why it's called that.
Pantless Ninja
P.S. I love each and everyone of you that visits my world. Especially you Sai-Sai! Thank you for the dedication!
P.P.S. Ok, that sounded creepy, it's not love you know...friend love! 
P.P.P.S. Or is that creepy 2? Sorry!
P.P.P.P.S. Ah, to heck with it. I do love each and everyone of you!

Alight, my computer did something ultra stupid and made like 4 worlds and I'm all, to succesfully put my story on here, I'm going to make a mew account and use it. I'll let you know what the username is when it's created and running. TTFN
Okiies, I know I said I would continue Disease but after rereading (and making corrections :P) I have decided to slightly change the plot.
Also, I was wondering if I should keep one of the main character's name vincent...I want a unique name but I got the feeling that the name Vincent is thrown arund a lot these...considering I know a guy named Vincent, there's one in FF (FInale Fantasy) and in Bizenghast. Lol.
Vincent was a vampire and the reason he was one was because of a disease he got from what they call a Hell butterfly. Very pretty woman working for the devil(they also have wings)...Hell butterfly fits then....whatev...anyways, I have decided to make it a curse's not said outright that his vampirism is a curse but it's pretty obvious on like the 10th paragraph or so. Sorry if you really wanted it to be a disease. I think I'll create another story with it being a disease yeah.....
Now I need a title...I dunno if I'll give the new and improved (what? yeah...sorta) Disease...or was Disease a title yet...probably come up with one, I'll probably name the new world where I put stories something stupid...keep watching...even though I don't think there a really any people that care...maybe 1 or 2...... so sad. Emo time
Alright, due to popular demand (lol,jk) I will continue Disease because I haven't come up with another stoey...rawr..... anyways, I must come up with more story line so keep checking back. Btw, I think I might make a world only for Disease