Okiies, I know I said I would continue Disease but after rereading (and making corrections :P) I have decided to slightly change the plot.
Also, I was wondering if I should keep one of the main character's name vincent...I want a unique name but I got the feeling that the name Vincent is thrown arund a lot these...considering I know a guy named Vincent, there's one in FF (FInale Fantasy) and in Bizenghast. Lol.
Vincent was a vampire and the reason he was one was because of a disease he got from what they call a Hell butterfly. Very pretty woman working for the devil(they also have wings)...Hell butterfly fits then....whatev...anyways, I have decided to make it a curse instead...it's not said outright that his vampirism is a curse but it's pretty obvious on like the 10th paragraph or so. Sorry if you really wanted it to be a disease. I think I'll create another story with it being a disease instead...so yeah.....
Now I need a title...I dunno if I'll give the new and improved (what? yeah...sorta) Disease...or was Disease a title yet...probably come up with one later....haha....so, I'll probably name the new world where I put stories something stupid...keep watching...even though I don't think there a really any people that care...maybe 1 or 2...... so sad. Emo time
Alright, due to popular demand (lol,jk) I will continue Disease because I haven't come up with another stoey...rawr..... anyways, I must come up with more story line so keep checking back. Btw, I think I might make a world only for Disease
So here I am once again. Lalalalalala flippin la. Alright, onto the main topic, should I continue adding to my story (see the first post ever) or should I start a new story? I liked writing what I have so far of Disease but I think I jumped into the story to soon. I'll be holding a poll for the rest of the month. Should I a) continue writing Disease, b) start over on disease but keep the main idea(what I mean is: should I rewrite the beginning so that it has more build?), c) write a completely knew story keeping the main idea of Disease or d) should I just write a new story in general?
I'll be looking forward to what you say, but I must warn you now, I'm not necessarily going to take your opinion, I may decide when the time comes to keep Disease or write a new story etc etc.
I look forward to your opinions at the end of the month
P.S. If it's not to much trouble, please tell me why you think I should choose what you think is the best decision. It would help a lot if I knew your reasons instead of just a flat out answer.
Your best pantless ninja for rent:
(by the way, that's my real name. Totally true! That is my name! I'm not kidding. I actually like my name... it's better than my sister's, I'm thankful I have it... why did I ever use a fake names? I've never used my last name... or did I? OMG! Where's the stalker hiding??!! Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg... paranoid. haha. Anyways, my totally real name... sorry if I told you something else... I used to be uber paranoid about stalkers,molesters etc etc... I sorta just recently liked my name... so why did I name the girl in Disease after me? She's nothing like me... rawr, shut up brain! Stop talking!)
Oh, me as ninja... totally random serious mode (must've been before a fight). Lol!