Welcome to my little corner of The Otaku!

Let me introduce myself. I sign my art as "Kasey-chan", so feel free to call me that. My interest in drawing started when my sister and I went down to the book store and we discovered How-To-Draw-Anime books. It took off from there.
When I'm not scribbling away I am pursuing work in theatrical properties, spending way too much time on Netflix, watching too much TV, and wishing radioactive waste really did give people superpowers.

Here's some of my favorite things :).

Anime: Miyazaki's works, Tokyo Godfathers, Astro Boy (2003)
Manga: Rurouni Kenshin and Hana Kimi
American Cartoons: Batman: The Animated Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Venture Brothers, Gravity Falls, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
TV Shows: Merlin (BBC), Firefly, Mystery Science Theater 3000
Movies: The Secret of Kells, The Adventures of Tintin, X-Men: First Class, The Iron Giant, Muppet Treasure Island, Treasure Planet, RoboGeisha, Sharktopus
Books: Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey,Jane Eyre
Colors: Green!
Superheroes: Batman and Spiderman

Art Trades and Requests

I'm pretty much up for anything except yaoi/yuri. PM me .

My lack of art thus far...

Well I'm sorry that I'm becoming so very inactive on this site, I really want to keep it up. Funny thing though, when I'm gone it seems as if more people subscribe to me. lol maybe I'll leave it alone and when I come back everyone will have subscribed lol. Nah, I don't really care about that, I just don't want to loose all the friends I made on this site. It's fun talking to people who actually like anime lol. So far I've only met three at college. Well, there is an anime club but I only stayed for about 20 minutes because I had rehearsal.
Yup, I am in the first play of my first year! One of the four freshies that made it ^-^. I'm so honored AND super siked! It will be an awesome play!!!! I really hope to get closer to more of the theatre majors. Right now the upperclassmen seem cliquey, but in the theatre world that's easy to understand. Hard to deal with but easy to understand. I just hope that I'll remember what it feels like and be outgoing toward the freshmen next year. In the meantime, I'll work on being more friendly to those around me.
So art wise, I have like 2 things going. I'm trying perspective, which is turning out kind of weird. I drew a girl on a crazy robot from a birds eye view. Problem is I absentmindedly drew the girl from one perspective and the robot from another. So it looks sort of...odd to say the least. But I pulled off the individual perspectives quite well I think, and the coloring is turning out great! So when I post it you can give me your reviews. ^-^.
I also am doing a piece for our play which is going to be awesome! It's a pretty dark peice, but that means I can draw from sayonara zetsubou sensei and some surrealism art, so I'm excited to venture into that. It's really going to take a lot of emotion out of me, because I can really relate to the subject. I hope to at least get over some of the emotions I've kept inside for a while.
so that's all I have for now, I'll do my best to check up on you guys!
Oh ya! A THIRD SEASON OF ZETSUBOU SENSEI IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!! Huzzah! here's a pic to celebrate! If you're wondering...the girl in the window was going to jump out to make people pay attention to her (she's the normal one). The person smashing into the wall is Zetsubou Sensei in another failed attempt at suicide lol. That was probably the funniest one ^-^.

have fun Otaku-ing!

Hey All!

I'm sorry for my increasing inactivity on this site! I really am finding some time to get art done, but it takes longer than it did before college so please be patient .
As far as college goes, i really like it so far. My first professors are really cool. Of course, I have a lot of work, but it is college. I can't wait to get more involved in the theatre program here ^-^. I already have a play to read, an audition, and a partner scene to work on. However, it's been fun. On the partner scene i drop the f-bomb, which is a little weird for me because i never use that kind of language, but when im in character it doesn't matter. Its actually kind of fun and stress relieving.
So that's all for now. I have a class, but I'll try to check up on you all later!

have fun Otaku-ing


Well this is my second day of college and classes start Tuesday, so now im going through fun fun orientation crap. However, we do have a lot of down time, so I'm catching up on my Eureka Seven and Rolling Love (aka Jiro Wang's hotness!). I'm also drinking quite a bit of tea. My roomate and I are getting along very well so far and I'm meeting a few people who I can see making a lasting relationship with. As for drawing, I sadly have had no time thus far, and I don't know how my classes will work out so drawing may sadly be a lot less frequent than I'd like it to be. sry guys. I'll try to keep the artwork up! I hope you all are doing well!
heres an icanhascheezburger pic.

have fun Otaku-ing!

College Move In Today!!!!!

Hey All! I will be officially moving into my college today! Wish me luck ^-^. So because of me not knowing my schedule, I'm not sure when I'll have time to post again, but I left you guys a fan art to check out! I hope all goes well with you during my absence!
ah! LittleKuriboh came out with a new Yu Gi Oh Abridged thing, so here's a pic to celebrate lol. I love his Duke Devlin episodes.

have fun Otaku-ing!

Another Lazy Sunday

Well its the last Sunday before school starts here for all the little kiddies. I already called dibs on taking my little brother to school tomorrow. At the moment, I am anticipating my own first day of school. Now its just a lull period at home. My sis and friends have all gone to school and Im the only one here. It's pretty frickin boring. However, the anticipation of college keeps me going. Also the waiting for the arrival of my online ordered books and Fahrenheit poster. Especially the Fahrenheit poster. .
Today I'll probably draw another LOTR comic and finish up a fan art that's been a round for a while. I have the time. I finished two of them the other day and I got a fan art up ate yesterday, so please check it out!
Also I found a new Jiro Wang drama! Currently, it's being faithfully torrented. That and Wu Chun's "Hot shot". A, Jiro's drama is called "Rolling Love" if any of you want to check it out. I'm also torrenting a drama called Smiling Pasta. I liked it when I watched it, but never finished it. I also want to get The X Family and Corner with Love. On top of that I have a lot of anime's to download before college. At least I got Eureka 7 out of the way. lol, my computer is going to be very busy this week lol.
heres an icanhascheezburger pic ^-^.

have fun Otaku-ing!