Welcome to my little corner of The Otaku!

Let me introduce myself. I sign my art as "Kasey-chan", so feel free to call me that. My interest in drawing started when my sister and I went down to the book store and we discovered How-To-Draw-Anime books. It took off from there.
When I'm not scribbling away I am pursuing work in theatrical properties, spending way too much time on Netflix, watching too much TV, and wishing radioactive waste really did give people superpowers.

Here's some of my favorite things :).

Anime: Miyazaki's works, Tokyo Godfathers, Astro Boy (2003)
Manga: Rurouni Kenshin and Hana Kimi
American Cartoons: Batman: The Animated Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Venture Brothers, Gravity Falls, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
TV Shows: Merlin (BBC), Firefly, Mystery Science Theater 3000
Movies: The Secret of Kells, The Adventures of Tintin, X-Men: First Class, The Iron Giant, Muppet Treasure Island, Treasure Planet, RoboGeisha, Sharktopus
Books: Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey,Jane Eyre
Colors: Green!
Superheroes: Batman and Spiderman

Art Trades and Requests

I'm pretty much up for anything except yaoi/yuri. PM me .

I Have Returned!

I'm back! And I hope to be posting art soon, though I didn't get half as much up as I wanted to. I drew one of my first Chobits pictures in a really long time. It's a re-do. It will also probably be my last chobits picture. I'm also putting up a pic of the style I've been playing around with. I hope you all enjoy.
Life has been so incredibly busy for me. Comedy of Errors opens in two and a half weeks, so rehearsals are every night. This cuts time I could be spending on my copious amounts of homework. But hey, such is college. It will always be that way, I suppose.
So our room is being aired out now because my room mate left mozzarella cheese sitting for a few weeks. We just discovered it today. Our windows are now down and the room smells like a combination of glade, febreeze, and vanilla sandalwood air scent. Also the car carpet cleaner I used to get a mozzarella cheese juice stain off the floor (my other room mate spilled it while taking it out of the room). Long story short; it stinks like holy hell.
So that's a very short summary of my life. I would write longer but I need the time for homework. Hope to check up on you all!

have fun otaku-ing!

After the Break

Well it's been a week since I got back, and it's been a pretty busy week. Well, at least, it got a lot less stressful after Tuesday after our scene projects for this one class were due. My partner and I did the second scene from Doubt. I played Sister James, which i could have done a lot better at, but oh well, I'm just glad it's over. Has anyone seen the movie? I heard it was good and I love the play, so I really wanted to see it. However, I just never got around to it.
So in other news, I've developed two new addictions since coming back to school. One is this exquisite green tea I got at Mitsuwa (which is the largest Japanese market around). It really invigorates me, so I have like 4 cups a day. I've really become a fast addict. My other addiction is the 1966 TV series of Batman (with Adam West). I downloaded seasons 1-3 over break and have been watching it every night since. It humors me so much. I love how Gotham city has everything from a hospital with a deep de-freezifier to just about every kind of valuable art and jewelry display imaginable. Not to mention super heros and villains donning costumes my grandmother could have made cooler. bahaha. I love it so much. It's so craptastic, it's genius!
Well, I got two new art pieces up, feel free to check them out ^_^.
So this one I made with photoshop and taking a screen shot of the one episode of Batman. This is one where a girl villain masquerades as Robin. Yes. That legitimately happens. The best part is everyone falls for it.

have fun otaku-ing


Well, one more week until spring break! I can't wait! I'm going to try to get all of my work done ahead of time this week so I won't have anything to do but relax, and hopefully get art done in the week to come. ^_^. Speaking of art, I just posted a fan art of a siren. Check it out!
Yup, so this assistant stage manager thing has really got me busy. Not work wise, just time wise. I'm there from 6:30-10:00 every night with nothing really to do in between setting up the set and then breaking it down afterwards. However, on the upside, I really enjoy watching the musical. Plus, it's a lot of time to get HW and art done. The people I work with are awesome too. Theatre people are the best in the world. Never a dull moment lol.
Ah yes, our theatre is supposedly haunted. Though I have never encountered this ghost, and hopefully I never will, other people have "met" him. Or her...Personally, I think there might be two. A man ghost who lives in the actual theatre part and a woman who lives by our professors office. I think this because late at night people hear high heels walking down the hall and steps when no one is there. And the the main part of the theatre, lights turn off and whispering goes on, and people see "shadows". Yes, but I've never really seen or heard any of this. Ghost or no ghost, that theatre is still one of the creepiest places to be at night when no one is there, so I think it's just scared people seeing and hearing what they want to see and hear. How very logical sounding for a theatre major to say. It's not that I don't believe in the supernatural, I certainly do. I wouldn't be a Christian if I didn't ^_^. There are evil and good supernatural entities, this I know. But wether it's dead people or demons or something else, I can't say. It's just better to pray to God and have the confidence that nothing can harm me. However, they can sure freak me out! *brrrrrr* Man, I hate thinking about stuff like that. My imagination if definitely way too vivid for me to think about those kinds of things all the time. The best way to get my mind off it if concentrate on the good side of the spiritual world. How God has blessed me and the exciting places he's going to take me.
And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. Wow, long rant.
well, have fun otaku-ing!

The Mad Life of an Actress.

Okay, so this is has been my life in the past week: I need to find two monologues for my Basic Movement class, a monologue and a song for an audition, write a paper, do the play twice on Friday, and other schoolwork. Plus I need to start looking for summer jobs and on top of that I'm getting sick. All I need to do is last tonight and until Sunday afternoon, then I can get as sick as I want. So long as I don't have to do a show wile I'm sniffling and have a sore throat. Well, at least I'm managing to relax and get some art done. I posted two new pics this week alone. yay! My sis and I are also working on a big pic for my little brother. We're giving it to him for his birthday. Last year was our Zelda pic, if some of you remember that one. This year it's Avatar: The Last Airbender. We watched the entire series and it was so much fun. ^_^
Yup so in other news...happy Valentines Day! Even though I'm single, I can spend today focusing on those I love as friends and family. Also, I have a legitimate excuse to eat chocolate lol. Yup, so my friend's mom took our little gang out for Thai food, which was AMAZING!!! And we got roses from the people at the restaurant, it was soo cute ^_^. We also found an Asian food mart right by the Thai place, which was a super exciting find. Now daifuku, pockey, and sushi ingredients are just a short drive away ^_^.
Yup so I have an entry in the Otaku's Valentines Day contest. Please go view it on hugkiss and vote for it, if possible. Maybe fav it, if that's how you do it.
I hope to check up on you guys.

have fun Otaku-ing!

Oooohhhh! The Big Blue Wet Thing!

Yup, well I've been pretty busy since my last post. The play is officially starting tomorrow night! Ah! However, I'm more excited than I am nervous, because practice has been running incredibly smoothly. We only do one rehearsal per night. Although yesterday a fellow cast member had a headache, so some of the other theatre people decided to give him prescription motrin. The only problem is, the girl who gave it to him is pretty much unaffected my normal levels of practically any kind of medicine. So he got 800mgs of it, 600mgs more than the normal dose. Hee hee. That got him into a dazed stupor that lasted pretty much the whole day and he totally zoned out in practice. It stressed my director out but it gave us all a good giggle. Oh f.y.i., he's the only guy who is a freshmen theatre major, so he really takes a lot of crap. Oh well, he knows he loves it.
Yup, anyway, in art news...I have like 50 bazillion things to draw! Okay, so that was a bit of an overstatement, but I seriously do have a lot of things to draw. I need to get Valentines pics drawn for my friends, and three contest entries. Also fun little things I'm drawing for my friends. Yes, so I really hope I'll get all of this done on time.
Yup so that was my oh so interesting window into my life.
I hope to see what you all are up to.
This pic made me laugh pretty hard. Poking fun at Keanu Reeves has become one of my favorite things to do ^_^.

have fun otaku-ing!