I Have Returned!

I'm back! And I hope to be posting art soon, though I didn't get half as much up as I wanted to. I drew one of my first Chobits pictures in a really long time. It's a re-do. It will also probably be my last chobits picture. I'm also putting up a pic of the style I've been playing around with. I hope you all enjoy.
Life has been so incredibly busy for me. Comedy of Errors opens in two and a half weeks, so rehearsals are every night. This cuts time I could be spending on my copious amounts of homework. But hey, such is college. It will always be that way, I suppose.
So our room is being aired out now because my room mate left mozzarella cheese sitting for a few weeks. We just discovered it today. Our windows are now down and the room smells like a combination of glade, febreeze, and vanilla sandalwood air scent. Also the car carpet cleaner I used to get a mozzarella cheese juice stain off the floor (my other room mate spilled it while taking it out of the room). Long story short; it stinks like holy hell.
So that's a very short summary of my life. I would write longer but I need the time for homework. Hope to check up on you all!

have fun otaku-ing!
