Quick Update

Well just got back from a summer vacation up to my cousin husband's cabin, and am now back and working again. Most of what I have to do is summer reading from the theatre school I'll be attending next semester. I've got to read and buy 13 plays, pick 4 monologues (1 Shakespeare, 1 classical, and 2 modern/contemporary) to work on over the summer, and pick 2 songs (1 slow and 1 fast). So much to do! I also have to get a physical done before I go, which sucks because the doctor's office is one of my least favorite places in the whole world to be. And as an extra special treat, I'm switching from my pediatrician to a big girl doctors office, so I have to fill out all this paperwork. Yay. Long story short, life is a tad stressful right now, but I have all but one of my plays read and bought so can budget out the other stuff over August. The trick is to just take this one day at a time.
On a more positive note, my sister and I have discovered Mystery Science Theatre 3000, which is keeping us immensely entertained and taking a lot of stress of the brain. :). I highly recommend this hilarious series! It's 11 seasons, bonus episodes, and a movie, so it will keep you entertained for a while.
On another positive note, I have a nice vacation to look forward to at the end of August. I hope to get all this summer work done before then.
here's my pic! How true it is.

have fun otaku-ing!
