Welcome to my little corner of The Otaku!

Let me introduce myself. I sign my art as "Kasey-chan", so feel free to call me that. My interest in drawing started when my sister and I went down to the book store and we discovered How-To-Draw-Anime books. It took off from there.
When I'm not scribbling away I am pursuing work in theatrical properties, spending way too much time on Netflix, watching too much TV, and wishing radioactive waste really did give people superpowers.

Here's some of my favorite things :).

Anime: Miyazaki's works, Tokyo Godfathers, Astro Boy (2003)
Manga: Rurouni Kenshin and Hana Kimi
American Cartoons: Batman: The Animated Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Venture Brothers, Gravity Falls, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
TV Shows: Merlin (BBC), Firefly, Mystery Science Theater 3000
Movies: The Secret of Kells, The Adventures of Tintin, X-Men: First Class, The Iron Giant, Muppet Treasure Island, Treasure Planet, RoboGeisha, Sharktopus
Books: Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey,Jane Eyre
Colors: Green!
Superheroes: Batman and Spiderman

Art Trades and Requests

I'm pretty much up for anything except yaoi/yuri. PM me .

I am not yet dead. . .

Though it's starting to feel like it haha. Luckily my work load is getting lighter so I am able to draw more. I only just really picked it back up this week. :/. Here's hoping I'll be able to continue. Hopefully I'll be on more :). Well I'm gonna get back to it!

True dat :D

Have fun otaku-ing!

It's been a while. . .

Well it's been a few months (I think) since I blogged here. I haven't been as active on this site (or even on my drawing) as I would liked to have been. The summer has been busy with job searching, which turned out successful, but left me with not as much time. I also am working on a senior project for next semester (my partner and I have to write a tentative script). So between the work, project, Rifftrax, and occasional outing with friends, my otaku life has ben dwindling. But I am determined not to give it up! Hopefully I can be more active and reconnect with some people :). And draw more :) :).
have fun otaku-ing!

in honor of the upcoming Harry Potter movie, even though I'm not a super-fan and won't pay $10 to see it at 12AM with a bunch of people in black robes and Sharpied scars on their foreheads. Not my cup of tea and $10 for ANY movie is ridiculous. But I do like HP enough to post a pic :).

I Can Haz Artz!

I submitted art huzzah!
I also had time to check out some new art, there's some really neat stuff that's been posted lately :).
So Wednesday I have to go back to normal school, which will be, at the very least, a change of pace from crazy theatre camp. I'm excited to start drawing again, I really haven't started. I've tried but I'm in this lull. I think maybe having only gen-ed classes will give me a need for a creative outlet. But I have a ton of things floating around in my head that are just dying to get on that sheet of paper. Maybe a comic haha.
Yep so things Kasey has discovered over the course of 3 months and highly recommends:
Scott Pilgrim
Lackadaisy Cats (Amazing webcomic)
Gummy Bears
Angels in America
Sarah Ruhl
Yep :). Hopefully some fan art on the first two will come out soon.

have fun otaku-ing!

Quick Update

Well just got back from a summer vacation up to my cousin husband's cabin, and am now back and working again. Most of what I have to do is summer reading from the theatre school I'll be attending next semester. I've got to read and buy 13 plays, pick 4 monologues (1 Shakespeare, 1 classical, and 2 modern/contemporary) to work on over the summer, and pick 2 songs (1 slow and 1 fast). So much to do! I also have to get a physical done before I go, which sucks because the doctor's office is one of my least favorite places in the whole world to be. And as an extra special treat, I'm switching from my pediatrician to a big girl doctors office, so I have to fill out all this paperwork. Yay. Long story short, life is a tad stressful right now, but I have all but one of my plays read and bought so can budget out the other stuff over August. The trick is to just take this one day at a time.
On a more positive note, my sister and I have discovered Mystery Science Theatre 3000, which is keeping us immensely entertained and taking a lot of stress of the brain. :). I highly recommend this hilarious series! It's 11 seasons, bonus episodes, and a movie, so it will keep you entertained for a while.
On another positive note, I have a nice vacation to look forward to at the end of August. I hope to get all this summer work done before then.
here's my pic! How true it is.

have fun otaku-ing!

Last Day Has Ended

Well it was my last day working at the G______ Playhouse today, appropriately it was pouring and we all got soaking wet loading the last of the scenery into storage and then saying goodbye. I must say, I will miss the people more than the job. It was a little sad, but I'm so happy to be leaving and having a life for a month before school! I already started the cover for my manga and am in the slow and painful process of reading Mansfield Park. I love Jane Austen and am attempting to read all of her novels (I've only actually read Northanger Abbey). Mansfield Park is my least favorite anyway so I probably shouldn't have started with it. Blech. I just hate Fanny.
Anyway, on Facebook a while back there was this list going around of 100 classics most people have only read 6 of. I resolved to read all of them before I was 30. Most of Ms. Austen's novels are there, so I figured I'd just tackle them all. yay. Mansfield Park is killing me.
Yup, so aparently I missed some art thief drama. Soooooo sorry that blew over my head. I believe the term "ignorant bliss" would be appropriate here.
Anywhoo, be looking out for my manga!!!!!
here's a fun pic, thought it was appropriate since my mangas about vampires...

have fun otaku-ing!
