Hey All!

I'm sorry for my increasing inactivity on this site! I really am finding some time to get art done, but it takes longer than it did before college so please be patient .
As far as college goes, i really like it so far. My first professors are really cool. Of course, I have a lot of work, but it is college. I can't wait to get more involved in the theatre program here ^-^. I already have a play to read, an audition, and a partner scene to work on. However, it's been fun. On the partner scene i drop the f-bomb, which is a little weird for me because i never use that kind of language, but when im in character it doesn't matter. Its actually kind of fun and stress relieving.
So that's all for now. I have a class, but I'll try to check up on you all later!

have fun Otaku-ing
