My lack of art thus far...

Well I'm sorry that I'm becoming so very inactive on this site, I really want to keep it up. Funny thing though, when I'm gone it seems as if more people subscribe to me. lol maybe I'll leave it alone and when I come back everyone will have subscribed lol. Nah, I don't really care about that, I just don't want to loose all the friends I made on this site. It's fun talking to people who actually like anime lol. So far I've only met three at college. Well, there is an anime club but I only stayed for about 20 minutes because I had rehearsal.
Yup, I am in the first play of my first year! One of the four freshies that made it ^-^. I'm so honored AND super siked! It will be an awesome play!!!! I really hope to get closer to more of the theatre majors. Right now the upperclassmen seem cliquey, but in the theatre world that's easy to understand. Hard to deal with but easy to understand. I just hope that I'll remember what it feels like and be outgoing toward the freshmen next year. In the meantime, I'll work on being more friendly to those around me.
So art wise, I have like 2 things going. I'm trying perspective, which is turning out kind of weird. I drew a girl on a crazy robot from a birds eye view. Problem is I absentmindedly drew the girl from one perspective and the robot from another. So it looks sort of...odd to say the least. But I pulled off the individual perspectives quite well I think, and the coloring is turning out great! So when I post it you can give me your reviews. ^-^.
I also am doing a piece for our play which is going to be awesome! It's a pretty dark peice, but that means I can draw from sayonara zetsubou sensei and some surrealism art, so I'm excited to venture into that. It's really going to take a lot of emotion out of me, because I can really relate to the subject. I hope to at least get over some of the emotions I've kept inside for a while.
so that's all I have for now, I'll do my best to check up on you guys!
Oh ya! A THIRD SEASON OF ZETSUBOU SENSEI IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!! Huzzah! here's a pic to celebrate! If you're wondering...the girl in the window was going to jump out to make people pay attention to her (she's the normal one). The person smashing into the wall is Zetsubou Sensei in another failed attempt at suicide lol. That was probably the funniest one ^-^.

have fun Otaku-ing!
