Back in Black

It's my first day back from fall break. I wish it could have lasted another week! My sis and I got to see a lot of family members and hang out with our good high school friends who go to different colleges now. That was a lot of fun. We went up to Millersville University where my one friend goes. There was a Boys LIke Girls concert going on but we didn't go to that. Instead we just hung out and the went to see The Duchess at The Allen theater. I really enjoyed it, especially the costumes! But if you go into it expecting a fairy-tale love story or a strong character that changes society story, then you probably won't like it. The movie depicts real life back then and what it was like for a lot of women in that position. So it's only semi-happy in the end. However I've seen a lot of asian movies and animes that ended a lot worse happy-wise, so it didn't bother me lol.
Yea so I didn't get a lot of things drawn over break because I was just too busy. It was sort of disheartening because I really wanted to get a lot of ICC pages drawn. Oh well. They'll get posted when they get posted I guess. I did do a re-do of 2 really old twin characters that I drew a lot a long time ago, so maybe I'll get that one up by tomorrow.
So now I need to memorize a scene for one of my theatre classes, I've been putting that off for a while lol. I'll try and catch up with you guys though ^-^.
heres a roflrazzi pic that made me laugh.

have fun otaku-ing!
