It's Friday! Huzzah!

Hey all!
Well, I was able to get another fan art up, and it looks like a lot of people liked it, so that makes me happy. ^-^. It really wasn't my favorite though, I wish I could have made the outline a little darker on photoshop an then it would have turned out 10 times better. oh well. I still really love the hair, that's why I drew the pic, after all. So I should be posting another fan art in a little bit called "Ophelia's Ghost". Yes, it is related to Hamlet. We had to read that play for one of my classes and I really enjoyed going over it. So I did a little fan art about, surprise surprise, the ghost of the suicidal Ophelia. yea, so keep an eye out for that one.
So I get to go home again this weekend, which I am super siked about ^-^!!!!! My sister is in her school's homecoming parade and it's my cousins/moms birthday party. I really can't wait.
Oh yes, I got my first Otaku gift, which I am really happy about, except that I don't know how to get it. The stupid computer won't let me! but, I'll keep trying! Thank you so much Gadriann, I'm so happy ^-^.
okay so that's all I have for now.
heres a funny pic

have fun otaku-ing!
