Posting and Weekend

Hello All!
I just wanted to say that I got a fan art up just now. It's Jiro Wang of Fahrenheit, so I hope that you check it out. F.Y.I. Jiro is really hot, so you can look him up too ^-^.
So in other news, I just got back home from our family cabin. Family as in my mom's side of the family. Yup, so our immediate family, minus my dad who was hunting, and our grandparents and my one cousin's family all went up there to celebrate birthdays. It was actually my two cousin's birthdays but the other one couldn't make it, so we only had the birthday girl (21 years!) to celebrate for. Anyway, it was sooooo much fun to just go out and enjoy the mountain air and then come back and do nothing alllll day! I got a lot of napping in and we had a lot of family togetherness which I am always up for. ^-^.
So school wise, I got casted in my college's J-term play, so I suppose I'll be doing that. For those of you who don't know, J-Term is the last few weeks of winter break where instead of taking off those weeks, you come back and take on class. The theatre class is theatre for young audiences, cuz the play is a children's play. Basically, that class is just coming in a working on the play all day. So it'll be an experience. I hope that I'll enjoy it, I might as well.
So there's my life in a very small nutshell right now! I hope you all have an awesome week and I'll try and check up an all of you guys later ^-^.
here's proof that pigeons are evil lol.

have fun otaku-ing!
