Oooohhhh! The Big Blue Wet Thing!

Yup, well I've been pretty busy since my last post. The play is officially starting tomorrow night! Ah! However, I'm more excited than I am nervous, because practice has been running incredibly smoothly. We only do one rehearsal per night. Although yesterday a fellow cast member had a headache, so some of the other theatre people decided to give him prescription motrin. The only problem is, the girl who gave it to him is pretty much unaffected my normal levels of practically any kind of medicine. So he got 800mgs of it, 600mgs more than the normal dose. Hee hee. That got him into a dazed stupor that lasted pretty much the whole day and he totally zoned out in practice. It stressed my director out but it gave us all a good giggle. Oh f.y.i., he's the only guy who is a freshmen theatre major, so he really takes a lot of crap. Oh well, he knows he loves it.
Yup, anyway, in art news...I have like 50 bazillion things to draw! Okay, so that was a bit of an overstatement, but I seriously do have a lot of things to draw. I need to get Valentines pics drawn for my friends, and three contest entries. Also fun little things I'm drawing for my friends. Yes, so I really hope I'll get all of this done on time.
Yup so that was my oh so interesting window into my life.
I hope to see what you all are up to.
This pic made me laugh pretty hard. Poking fun at Keanu Reeves has become one of my favorite things to do ^_^.

have fun otaku-ing!
