The Mad Life of an Actress.

Okay, so this is has been my life in the past week: I need to find two monologues for my Basic Movement class, a monologue and a song for an audition, write a paper, do the play twice on Friday, and other schoolwork. Plus I need to start looking for summer jobs and on top of that I'm getting sick. All I need to do is last tonight and until Sunday afternoon, then I can get as sick as I want. So long as I don't have to do a show wile I'm sniffling and have a sore throat. Well, at least I'm managing to relax and get some art done. I posted two new pics this week alone. yay! My sis and I are also working on a big pic for my little brother. We're giving it to him for his birthday. Last year was our Zelda pic, if some of you remember that one. This year it's Avatar: The Last Airbender. We watched the entire series and it was so much fun. ^_^
Yup so in other news...happy Valentines Day! Even though I'm single, I can spend today focusing on those I love as friends and family. Also, I have a legitimate excuse to eat chocolate lol. Yup, so my friend's mom took our little gang out for Thai food, which was AMAZING!!! And we got roses from the people at the restaurant, it was soo cute ^_^. We also found an Asian food mart right by the Thai place, which was a super exciting find. Now daifuku, pockey, and sushi ingredients are just a short drive away ^_^.
Yup so I have an entry in the Otaku's Valentines Day contest. Please go view it on hugkiss and vote for it, if possible. Maybe fav it, if that's how you do it.
I hope to check up on you guys.

have fun Otaku-ing!
