Well, one more week until spring break! I can't wait! I'm going to try to get all of my work done ahead of time this week so I won't have anything to do but relax, and hopefully get art done in the week to come. ^_^. Speaking of art, I just posted a fan art of a siren. Check it out!
Yup, so this assistant stage manager thing has really got me busy. Not work wise, just time wise. I'm there from 6:30-10:00 every night with nothing really to do in between setting up the set and then breaking it down afterwards. However, on the upside, I really enjoy watching the musical. Plus, it's a lot of time to get HW and art done. The people I work with are awesome too. Theatre people are the best in the world. Never a dull moment lol.
Ah yes, our theatre is supposedly haunted. Though I have never encountered this ghost, and hopefully I never will, other people have "met" him. Or her...Personally, I think there might be two. A man ghost who lives in the actual theatre part and a woman who lives by our professors office. I think this because late at night people hear high heels walking down the hall and steps when no one is there. And the the main part of the theatre, lights turn off and whispering goes on, and people see "shadows". Yes, but I've never really seen or heard any of this. Ghost or no ghost, that theatre is still one of the creepiest places to be at night when no one is there, so I think it's just scared people seeing and hearing what they want to see and hear. How very logical sounding for a theatre major to say. It's not that I don't believe in the supernatural, I certainly do. I wouldn't be a Christian if I didn't ^_^. There are evil and good supernatural entities, this I know. But wether it's dead people or demons or something else, I can't say. It's just better to pray to God and have the confidence that nothing can harm me. However, they can sure freak me out! *brrrrrr* Man, I hate thinking about stuff like that. My imagination if definitely way too vivid for me to think about those kinds of things all the time. The best way to get my mind off it if concentrate on the good side of the spiritual world. How God has blessed me and the exciting places he's going to take me.
And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. Wow, long rant.
well, have fun otaku-ing!
