After the Break

Well it's been a week since I got back, and it's been a pretty busy week. Well, at least, it got a lot less stressful after Tuesday after our scene projects for this one class were due. My partner and I did the second scene from Doubt. I played Sister James, which i could have done a lot better at, but oh well, I'm just glad it's over. Has anyone seen the movie? I heard it was good and I love the play, so I really wanted to see it. However, I just never got around to it.
So in other news, I've developed two new addictions since coming back to school. One is this exquisite green tea I got at Mitsuwa (which is the largest Japanese market around). It really invigorates me, so I have like 4 cups a day. I've really become a fast addict. My other addiction is the 1966 TV series of Batman (with Adam West). I downloaded seasons 1-3 over break and have been watching it every night since. It humors me so much. I love how Gotham city has everything from a hospital with a deep de-freezifier to just about every kind of valuable art and jewelry display imaginable. Not to mention super heros and villains donning costumes my grandmother could have made cooler. bahaha. I love it so much. It's so craptastic, it's genius!
Well, I got two new art pieces up, feel free to check them out ^_^.
So this one I made with photoshop and taking a screen shot of the one episode of Batman. This is one where a girl villain masquerades as Robin. Yes. That legitimately happens. The best part is everyone falls for it.

have fun otaku-ing
