Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY

Wait a Minute...

I've realized something...

My two pairing obsessions at this moment are the ever-constant Maple Tea and MaxiexArchie (if that has a name, would someone tell me? It'd be highly appreciated!). Let's look at the individuals who make up these pairings.

Maxie and Archie
Matthew and Arthur

Each pair shares the same first (two!) letters and number of syllables.

The latter are seme while the former are uke.

The latter are both pirates.

The former both look like girls.

...am I seeing a connection?

Not to mention that my headcanon has Archie unable to cook anything...

I dunno, something's a bit fishy here...



Top o' the 9 O'Clock


...not much else to say...

I dressed like a goth today! And walked my dog in goth attire, with a black lace parasol. Twas fun <3

So..yeah...that's about it!



Oh Big Guy in the Sky...

...why am I not as cool as Duster? Why couldn't you make me as cool as Duster? Life would be so much easier if I was as cool as Duster. I'd have awesome friends, I'd be able to kick major ass, I'd be able to play bass, I'd have a small talking pet...

Read the full post »


Nevermind that last post that I'm sure no one cared about, Firefox lets me open the comments boxes!!

I feel like crap...I might not go to school tomorrow...It's another one of those times where I feel like I give and give and never get anything back...

I just kinda wanna crumble into a ball and cry...and now I have youtube to play in the background!!

Firefox has spellcheck. Fruk.


Oh and, as if anyone cared, Matt and Arthur's anniversary is the 20th of March.


I have a new laptop.

With Windows 7.

And it won't display the comment box.

Will someone PLEASE help me out?!