Welcome to Shadows in the Distance. This world is a place for the odd balls , the shy
, and the all around everyone
- Created By Tieshima
Dancing Leaves Chapter One
Dancing Leaves
Chapter One
-Various Villagers
The village(Jutomo) Hall
"Shadows now form where light once stood. Every full moon these shadows attack, somehow getting through the sheild. They have already taken 10 people. These shadows are becoming too costly we have to do something."
"You think I don't relize this. I've been maning the sheild every night since the first attack and I can't stop them. I can't even feel them coming through."
"Wait, doesn't that mean that they're already inside the shield!"
"So then they're one of us!
The whole hall turned into a worried mess. The villagers almost got out of control. Almost.
*grumble* "For heavens sake. People settle down."
Everyone froze.
"If the shadows were in the village they would have been delt with already. Look we are all tired and frustrated so we'll come back in about a week. In that time I will try best to put an end to this."
"So you expect us to just sit here and..."
"R-r-right, a-a-a week was it?" He then quickly ran out of the room with the rest of the villigers close behind.
Despra then started to bang her head against the podium when she was alone. "*groan*'I want you to take the head of the village when I'm gone.' I'll get you for this Hiroki."
Dancing Leaves Prolgue
Dancing Leaves
-Hiroki Muko
-Despra Muko
-Taia Muko
The High Kingdom Gates
Hiroki Muko was one of the greatest and most honorable warriors of The Order. But even he tires of battle. Which is why he is walking himself to the High Kingdom Gates to disapear.
Hiroki grimanced at the loud shout knowing excatly who it was and hoped no one heard her as his youngest sister, Taia, came running up to him.
"Could you have yelled any louder? I don't think the whole city heard you."
"*Huff* *Huff* Sorry, *Huff* I didn't want you to leave without me."
"How did you even know I was leaving?"
"I sort of, kind of over heard you talking to your friends about leaving." Taia shyly said while pushing her index fingers togther and looking at the ground.
"And what makes you think I'd take you along with me?"
"Becwase I'm your wittlest siser." That's when she folded her hands and put on a puppy face.
"*Grumble*" Hiroki muttered.
"Are you really suprised she's asking."
Hiroki stiffened and turned to see his second younger sister, Despra, jumping down from the top of the gate. "Wonderfull I have one sister begging me take her with me and the other trying to convince me to stay. And by convince I mean threaten to tell father of my leaving."
"I don't recall me convincing or threatening anyone. And what makes you think that's why I'm here?" Despra stated.
"You mean your not here to stop us." Taia then peeks out from behind her brother revealing her little hiding place.
"Us?" Hiroki looked down at Taia exasperated.
"For your information I'm here to ask to come along." Despra said, clearly becoming irratated.
"And by ask you demand."
"And by any chance if I say no are you going to tell father that I'm leaving."
"You know me so well." At this point Despra had a little smirk on her face.
"Alright I'll give you guys a few minutes to..."
"Ready." The two sisters said simotanously while pulling their bags from what seemed like nowhere.
"*sigh* Okay let's head out before I aquire any more traveling companions."
And with that the three sibilings set out into the night never to be seen agian in the High Kingdom.