This is where I'll post my thoughts, opinions, or just things that happened to me.
A little tidbit about me in 270 words:
I am known as various names, but on theOtaku, I go by the username Timcanpy14. I’ll start off with my favourite anime/manga (in no order): Code Geass, Death Note, D.Gray-man, Shiki, and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Outside of graphic desigining and anime/manga, my hobbies include drawing and painting; singing; reading novels, poems and non-fiction; watching movies; swimming in pools, the sea (I love the ocean but sadly, I live far away from the coast T.T); and jogging.
I’ve also made a recent discovery of myself, and that is being a practical person—I’m decent at solving math problems and whatnot but lacking in creativity and originality. What a great reason to be on a creative anime art-promoting website, huh? xD
Let’s move on to favourite colours. Mine consist of various shades of cyan, pink and purple, but it’s not like I absolutely love only those colours and despise every other colour. xD
If you’re like me and have selective memory, I’ll sum it all up for you. In short, the identity of Timcanpy14 can be defined as being an Otaku, having many hobbies, enjoying swimming in the sea, has a practical mind, and finds the shades of cyan, pink and purple pleasing to her eyes.
And that’s all you really need to know about me—or not, because it’s not that important, haha. But if you were—for some reason—curious about me, there it is. Hope that answers all your questions? But if you feel like asking me something, whether it be about myself, any requests for cards/icons, or just want to talk, just shoot me a private message; I don’t bite~
I am a member of Raisha's Lovely Ladies of myOtaku/theOtaku~

Wowowow how long has it been since I've been on this site? o.o
I'm just posting this to apologize for my AWOL and inactivenss and all that. I don't really have an excuse for it either, except school and stuff. But now that it's summer, I don't have any excuses. So I shall try to be more active and at least comment on some things and the like.
See you around hopefully~
Just got back from The Hunger Games~
I have to say, I was pretty impressed. They kept it true to the novel (about 90%, which is good since not everything in text can be translated visually), had good acting, directing, score, and all that.
The only thing I that I'd say was bad--and I don't know if it's just me--was the CGI. The "fire" on Katniss and Peeta's outfits during the grand introductions of the tributes and the wolf-dog-creature thing (forgot the name...) at the end weren't the best things of this film, but it's still forgivable.
So yeah. If you're unsure whether to go or not and are a fan of the book/s, I recommend that you do go. It's definitely worth the time and money, and I always enjoy having a visual of what I've read.
But yeah, overall I enjoyed it. I'd probably give it around 9.4/10? Some number around that. XD Have any of you guys seen it yet? Are you planning on going to it?
Hello all! Sorry I've been so inactive lately!
I don't know what to say except that I'm going to The Hunger Games on opening night with a couple friends~ We're all big fans of the books, so we're kinda skeptical of how good the movie will be. I'm hoping it'll mostly stay true to the novel, but I don't know... I mean, the cast looks fine, the trailers/promos and clips seem decent, but I dunno. But I guess you never know until you've actually seen the movie.
I also saw on Rotten Tomatoes that the average of the critics' ratings is 90%, but it may change overtime. (Usually ratings can drop quite a bit, even about a year after its release.) But that is still pretty good, and hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as 90%, if not more.
But yeah, maybe I'll remember to post how I felt about the movie on Friday night (hopefully). XD
A totally off-topic but good quote to finish this post:
"Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up." - Pablo Picasso
Tagged by xNotUnderstood
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.
Opening Credits:
Eet - Regina Spektor (Opening credits with a song that has super ambiguous lyrics...)
Waking Up:
Bookends - Simon & Garfunkel (What a depressing song to be waking up to. o.o)
First Day At School:
Yesterday - The Beatles (I'm regretting going to school? XD)
Making Your New Best Friend:
There Goes the Fear - Dove (Kinda irrelevant with making friends...)
Falling In Love:
Walk - Foo Fighters (I guess it kind of makes sense...?)
Breaking Up:
Analyse - Thom Yorke (I have a hard time understanding the meaning of this song... but melody-wise, I guess this goes well with the theme.)
Sea Green, See Blue - Jaymay (I don't know what to think of this... xD)
Let it Be - The Beatles (I guess it might be from my parents' perspective? I dunno)
Life's Okay:
Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap (I guess it makes sense?)
Death of a Close Friend:
Firefly - Owl City (Um...)
Mental Breakdown:
Paradise - Coldplay (I guess I'll dream of para-para-paradise during a mental breakdown? XD)
The Scientist - Coldplay (Holy shit, it's the music video)
Car Accident:
Viva la Vida - Coldplay (How ironic. XD Whoa, 3 Coldplay songs in a row)
Final Battle:
The Call - Regina Spektor (Hey, there's actually a mention of the word "battle" in this song)
Death Scene:
Blue Lips - Regina Spektor (This actually makes sense. Sort of.)
Funeral Song:
Vanilla Twilight - Owl City (A love song... for a funeral...)
End Credits:
Hey Jude - The Beatles (Na na na nananaaaaaa nanananaaaaaaaa)
Deleted Scenes:
Please Please Please Let Me - The Smiths (I can guess what the deleted scene would be about XD)
Well this didn't make much sense. XD But it was pretty fun~
I really need to update my world more often, however short the post may be. XD;
My school has transitioned onto the second semester, which means I'm done my classes I took in the first semester and took my final exams for them. I have different classes now, and so far, I'm pretty content with them, and--surprisingly--with the teachers as well. They all seem like pretty nice people and decent at teaching, and I'm desperately hoping that my assumption is perfectly true and they will stay like this until school is over.
My English teacher assigned a persuasive essay on the first day, but it's not due until Monday (thank goodness). I should probably be working on that right now, but I can't really think of any topics to write about. She said it can be about anything, as long as we know quite a bit about that subject. And it makes sense, because who'd write an essay about something they know nothing about? XD I am procrastinating a little bit though. But I still have a couple more days to think about it. I just have to get it done until the due date, no matter when I finish (or even start) the damn thing. >.>; The main thing is, it needs to be good and I need to get a good mark on it.
Either way, I thought I'd post this to ask you guys some suggestions about some topics for my essay, and also to let you all know that I'm still alive and not dead. xD