External Image

Attributes of a TimeChaser: Witty, sarcastic, opinionated, loyal, sometimes spaztacularifically geeky.

Chasing Time for: 33 years

Nicknames, Aliases, Pseudonyms and Nom de plumes: TC, Toki, Times, Chase, Timey Boy, Old Man

Interests: Music, Scifi/Fantasy, Anime, Science, History

Major Fandoms: Doctor Who, MythBusters, Top Gear

Other Worlds

The Watercooler|The Who Files|Radio Times

My Week in Anime #8 (April 5 - April 11) - PART 2

Ristorante Paradiso ep 1 - 2 Here's a quirky little show. It centers around Casetta Dell'orso, a restaurant in Rome staffed entirely by older, bespectacled men. 21-year-old Nicoletta has come to Rome to finally confront he...

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My Week in Anime #8 (April 5 - April 11) - PART 1

Asura Cryin' ep 1 This show wound up being nothing like I had originally thought it would be. The main character is a student named Tomoharu Natsume, who is unique in that his best friend is a ghost only he can see, a girl ...

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Best Wednesday Evah!

I've been prancing around like a loon for the last half hour after the UPS man dropped off a package... ...

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Difficulty playing certain video files

Ok, so I've been watching shows from the new anime season, and I've run into a problem. With certain .mkv files, I have playback issues where the video and audio are out of sync. Anybody know why this is? Is there anything I can do to fix it, especially if these shows aren't ever released in .avi format too.

Asura Cryin' OP

Another nice theme from one of the new Spring Season anime. This show threw me for a bit of a loop. All I knew about it before watching the first episode was that the main character was a kid who's best friend is a ghost girl. ...

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