The great (and sadly) untapped element of "Q Who?" is that they never explored Guinan's history enough. Things like Q saying she was an "imp" and that trouble followed her wherever she went, implying that Guinna wasn't her actual name, plus the fact that she's hundreds of years old and was the only one to sense time had changed in "Yesterday's Enterprise"... I know some fans have played around with her being a Trek version of a Time Lord like the Doctor. :P
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/11 | Reply
The great (and sadly) untapped element of "Q Who?" is that they never explored Guinan's history enough. Things like Q saying she was an "imp" and that trouble followed her wherever she went, implying that Guinna wasn't her actual name, plus the fact that she's hundreds of years old and was the only one to sense time had changed in "Yesterday's Enterprise"... I know some fans have played around with her being a Trek version of a Time Lord like the Doctor. :P
Getaway Driver (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/11 | Reply
TNG will always have a special place in my heart. And plus, you gotta love any episode with Q in it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/16/11 | Reply
The only Trek i like. Ahh Patrick Stewart....