Sounds like a good book that I'll definitely have to check out when I have some free time.
Wow, you slept late. *A* I wish I could sleep that late. I went to bed REALLY late last night and had to wake up so early, that I almost fell asleep in band. Which is pretty hard to do with the percussion right behind my section... *laughs*
I saw the post by that person in the Watercooler. I didn’t know what to say to it though. Still welcome just the same to your friend.
I haven’t posted much at OB until today, but that was on account of work coming first, not on account of the debates. I did read over those this morning though and I think people are starting to realize that there are some people you simply don’t bother to debate with.
I can’t say that I’m familiar with that author. I’m fairly indifferent to religion in general. It does not offend me, I simply have no interest in it whatsoever so I rarely read or follow anything on it. It’s pretty hard to offend me, but it is easy to bore me (religion does that pretty quickly). Though I suppose that could be taken in a negative light.
It’s not meant as an affront to religion, but it’s often taken that way. I’m of the mindset, live and let live. So though I’ll consider the book you mentioned it’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever read it.
Hmmm, and here my bedtime is usually in the afternoon. I work nights so I end up either staying awake in the morning a bit or going to bed and getting up late afternoon/early evening.
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
I saw her post over on the Watercooler. I'll go say hi in a minute (or later if I can XP).
Well, no matter how you talk about religion, inevitably someone will be offended. If Harris went about this "letter" in a civilized manner and didn't resort to petty mud-slinging, I would very much appreciate that. If someone did get in an uproar at that point, then at least the writer knows they did nothing to directly insult anyone and so the complainee is the one who will look foolish.
... so yeah. lol
Start settin' an alarm clock to earlier and earlier times. And make sure the clock is far away from your bed, so you're forced to get up and turn it off. :P
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
Welcome welcome to divsionten! :D
Sounds like a good book that I'll definitely have to check out when I have some free time.
Wow, you slept late. *A* I wish I could sleep that late. I went to bed REALLY late last night and had to wake up so early, that I almost fell asleep in band. Which is pretty hard to do with the percussion right behind my section... *laughs*
Take care, TC!
Good Old Reliable | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
I saw the post by that person in the Watercooler. I didn’t know what to say to it though. Still welcome just the same to your friend.
I haven’t posted much at OB until today, but that was on account of work coming first, not on account of the debates. I did read over those this morning though and I think people are starting to realize that there are some people you simply don’t bother to debate with.
I can’t say that I’m familiar with that author. I’m fairly indifferent to religion in general. It does not offend me, I simply have no interest in it whatsoever so I rarely read or follow anything on it. It’s pretty hard to offend me, but it is easy to bore me (religion does that pretty quickly). Though I suppose that could be taken in a negative light.
It’s not meant as an affront to religion, but it’s often taken that way. I’m of the mindset, live and let live. So though I’ll consider the book you mentioned it’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever read it.
Hmmm, and here my bedtime is usually in the afternoon. I work nights so I end up either staying awake in the morning a bit or going to bed and getting up late afternoon/early evening.
Miss Anonymous
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
I saw her post over on the Watercooler. I'll go say hi in a minute (or later if I can XP).
Well, no matter how you talk about religion, inevitably someone will be offended. If Harris went about this "letter" in a civilized manner and didn't resort to petty mud-slinging, I would very much appreciate that. If someone did get in an uproar at that point, then at least the writer knows they did nothing to directly insult anyone and so the complainee is the one who will look foolish.
... so yeah. lol
Start settin' an alarm clock to earlier and earlier times. And make sure the clock is far away from your bed, so you're forced to get up and turn it off. :P
Otaku Princess | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
I'll head over and say hi!
2:30?! Wow. That's impressive man! I think you might be right on the whole getting to be earlier
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
TC, you're awesome. ^^ Thanks for such a warm welcome.
Last edited by divisionten at 6:25:11 AM EDT on October 16, 2008.
Sam & Max Ep 305-Sam: One recipie to rule them all and one egg to bind it!
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
TC, don't you know? My religion is to avoid anything remotely connected to it. =P *is kidding (kind of)*
Perhaps I could interest you in a book or two then? ^^
Dr. Mama Cat. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
Ah, hi and welcome then. =P
You'll find that plenty of us have periods of not posting much at OB. Though that's true of any site I belong to.
TC, don't you know? My religion is to avoid anything remotely connected to it. =P *is kidding (kind of)*
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
Welcome to your friend! XD *waves hello*
I'm glad you haven't been on OB today. You really need a break. ^^' *hugs lots* Don't stress yourself out too much on there anymore, ok? ;_;
You keep recommending me good books. How will I keep up? DX Btw, I finished reading Trinity Blood vol 1 the other day. XD
Hai. ;_; Good night and sweet dreams. ;_;
Love Bug =X3