Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
Well that sucks. :/ You should be able to do whatever you want to do, like get in the internet, and your aunt should mind her own bloody business. >3<
My aunt is Mormon, so she's very devout in her faith. So to her, me being atheist must mean I'm "angry at God" because she can't possibly entertain my side of the argument, which is that there is no God.
With the 80 GB iPod I got, I am nowhere near filling that thing up yet. In fact I think I only have about 3 or 4 GB of data on it right now. I got the big one so I wouldnt have to get a new one for quite some time, that and I like my stand up videos (Carlin, Eddie Izzard, Titus, among others.)
It sounds like your Aunt and you are going to have to agree to disagree on the whole god issue. I personally dont have strong feelings one way or the other. Im just a product of my times.
Have a good one Chaser, and enjoy. Oh, by the way, what did you do with the Geddy Lee pic I sent you? I hope its displayed somewhere nice.
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
Senpai... I HATE YOU! DX I read your post and thought I should recharge my MP3's battery. Then SonicStage told me to update my software on the MP3, which it's been telling me to do for months, ever since I updated the software on my computer... I thought I'd do it now... And now my MP3 is too old for the software. DX I lost all the songs and have 77 untitled "File Error" songs instead! *shakes you*
*sigh* Oh well... *huggles my now dead MP3* Time of death, 11:34pm... Such a sudden and unexpected passing... ;_;
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/09 | Reply
Well that sucks. :/ You should be able to do whatever you want to do, like get in the internet, and your aunt should mind her own bloody business. >3<
My aunt is Mormon, so she's very devout in her faith. So to her, me being atheist must mean I'm "angry at God" because she can't possibly entertain my side of the argument, which is that there is no God.
Getaway Driver (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
With the 80 GB iPod I got, I am nowhere near filling that thing up yet. In fact I think I only have about 3 or 4 GB of data on it right now. I got the big one so I wouldnt have to get a new one for quite some time, that and I like my stand up videos (Carlin, Eddie Izzard, Titus, among others.)
It sounds like your Aunt and you are going to have to agree to disagree on the whole god issue. I personally dont have strong feelings one way or the other. Im just a product of my times.
Have a good one Chaser, and enjoy. Oh, by the way, what did you do with the Geddy Lee pic I sent you? I hope its displayed somewhere nice.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
Ooooh... Okay. =D That makes a tad more sense. I was highly surprised that it would hold as much as you love. O_o
By the way. Panda flashdrive. Holding the songs. They work. My computer has speakers.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
Not ALL of my music, but all of my most important music. ^^ I have about 22GB total on the computer.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
@Miss Anonymous:
Yes, but you at least didn't dismiss me atheism and say I was just "angry at God." ^^
Miss Anonymous
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
Well hey, I ended up getting in a debate with you because of Dawkins once, so it's no surprise that your aunt did too. :P
Wow, that is quite the sleek looking device! Hope it doesn't break down on you any time soon, lolol.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
OOOH THAT IS SHINY. And I'm impressed it held all your music. O_O
... Yeeeeeah, the ultra-religious family member coming over and "sharing" their beliefs is always so... FUN... >>;;;
Hope the New Year is going well for you! And enjoy harassing the preaching spammers. XD
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
Senpai... I HATE YOU! DX I read your post and thought I should recharge my MP3's battery. Then SonicStage told me to update my software on the MP3, which it's been telling me to do for months, ever since I updated the software on my computer... I thought I'd do it now... And now my MP3 is too old for the software. DX I lost all the songs and have 77 untitled "File Error" songs instead! *shakes you*
*sigh* Oh well... *huggles my now dead MP3* Time of death, 11:34pm... Such a sudden and unexpected passing... ;_;
Btw, your new one is so cute. X3
And weren't you supposed to go to bed? >.>
*hugs* At least your aunt didn't have a fit. ^^'
Love Bug =X3