FIRST OFF! Thanks to everyone who has (and will in the future) sign my guestbook! Thank you very much :'3 Reason I am thanking you here is because for some reason I am unable to sign your's in return lol xD Something with my computer doesn't agree with the GB thing I guess : P
So please don't think I'm ignoring you, I'm grateful for your signing -^_^-

Hey guys! My name is TK (I'm not TT! TK = Tama Kyosuke btw ; D) and I LOVE KIRYU KYOSUKE!!!! Oh and the MyOtaku page thingie doesn't seem to be agreeing with me at the moment..So it is going to appear as blank white with purple letters lol >_> Please excuse my nubness..I haven't had to deal with the MyO profile setup in a very long time and I've forgotten what to do in order to stop it from erasing my settings :'3
Bare with me here xD

External Image

I was once a full-time member of MYOtaku before it was converted into what we have now, THEOtaku xD But I have forgotten all of the info for my old accounts T_T I was known once as FMA-LJ annndd...NDGKitty at another time. But I've forgotten the passwords for both accounts :( So if any of my friends from those accounts are angry, I'm still here Dx Just as TK now lol :P

As you can see, I'm a huge fangirl of Kiryu Kyosuke o_o I absolutely love him!
He's so fricken evil, it's awesome. I love the maniacal, evil bad boy type :'3 I mean..murder in Yu-Gi-Oh?! WITH BLOOD?! MADNESS! >:D

My art will fluctuate alot, depending on what I'm into at that time. Like right now you might see alot of YGO artwork, but I'm not very good at converting YGO characters into my style and I butcher their style so..give me time lol xD And you'll most likely start to see art from my original story titled 'Felwargs'. It's about werewolf hunters :P (btw I absolutely love werewolves lol xD) So be on the look out for character labeled 'Felwarg' :'3

Thanks guys! -^_^-<3

Silverbullet Chapter 4: Blood Frenzy

Here's the fourth chapter for SB :'3 Things get BEEFY AND RAWR from here out! >:D

In such a desperate time as this, the tunnels seemed to be never ending. Every time Zethus turned a corner he truly believed led back to Mithra, it seemed as if the tunnels expanded in all directions, mocking him in spite of his desperation. Upon learning how Damali's case of Digitarox was enhanced, the fifty-three hours she once had were now down to twelve, and now she only had three hours left. Zethus knew he would reach Mithra before the disease would take her, but that wasn't his main concern. Digitarox dealt irreversible damage to the host over time before ultimately taking their life. He feared the damage it would deal to her body, and seeing as how this was an enhanced virus, the side effects could be even more vicious.
How could he have let this happen? He should've known better then to drag other's into his escape. He swore under his breath as he cursed himself for his stupidity. If he would've just stayed clear of Hobbit Hole, this wouldn't be happening. Damali didn't deserve to suffer like this, not in this manner. That was when he decided, after Damali recovered from Digitarox he would leave her in Mithra. He knew she would be safe there, it was her home after all. She'd be better off if he left. Besides, she didn't even like him to begin with.
But as he these thoughts ran through his mind, a piercing pain overwhelmed Zethus' entire body. Shocked from the sudden rush of pain, he feel to his knees and clutched his chest, gasping for air. Veins in his arms and hands became clearly visible under the skin and took on a sickly blue coloration as the pain elevated. The sound of his heart pounded in his head and his vision became blurred. Random and incoherent whispers whirled through his mind, all his thoughts about Damali, Rezzio, his escape and the antidote, all of them struck him with overbearing pain when they crossed his mind. He desperately searched his mind for some thought that eased his pain, all while forcing himself to stay conscious. But the more he struggled with this unnatural pain, the harder it became to focus on his own thoughts, as it seemed foreign thoughts and ideas were being forced into his mind. But as these new emotions flooded his mind, only one thought, which stood out more as an order then anything else, eased his pain and clearly registered to him.
Kill everything. Show no mercy.
To anyone.

A devious grin spread across Rezzio's face as he watched the confusion on the streets below. After finally losing his dimwitted underlings in an alley, he slipped off to the other side of the streets and hid on the roof of a building overlooking the southern section of the Wrathgate street. He was waiting patiently for the commotion to die down and for the other's to give up their search and head back inside. When the roads were clear, he would be able to head for the Hobbit Hole safely. But then the fact that his true mission still remained unfinished crept into the back of his mind. Vin was still alive, he was still getting away with what he did four years prior. Rezzio's hands tightened into fists as these thoughts ran through his mind, how he hated that man with every fiber of his being. And the best part of it all, Vin had absolutely no idea. In fact, Vin had taken somewhat of a father-figure role over Rezzio and treated him so. But no matter how positively Rezzio responded to Vin's fatherly treatment, it made his insides twist in the most uncomfortable manner as he suppressed his rage and hatred towards that man. Rezzio had the perfect spot for waiting to take Vin down, as the Left Hand of Wrath, Vin would've never suspected him for a minute. Especially with his ridiculous idea that Rezzio was like his son. But even with this strategic position, Rezzio had to put his own ambitions on hold to help Zethus, who looked like he was in a tighter spot then Rezzio. As a Runner, Zethus was in a very bad spot, runners from Nazca did not get far and everyone around them were included in the killing spree. It was a sport and a way of life for the Nazca mercs to hunt their own kind, seeing as how they were forbidden to kill one another unless they were flagged as Bounties. Rezzio knew that Zethus would need all the help he could get if he intended on escaping.
He rose to his feet as the last of the mercs fled the streets, now was his chance to head for the Hole. But he had to clasp his hand over his mouth to keep from shouting as the sight before him startled him. A man clad in all black stood beside him, staring over the edge of the building at the streets below.
"How long have you been standin' there?!" Rezzio spat viciously, his heart pounding in his head as it fought to regulate it's pace. But the man only turned and gave Rezzio a malicious grin, the brilliant green of his eyes seemed to glow in the dark, despite how most of his face was obscured by the darkness.
"You'd better hurry," The polite overtone of his voice was layered with the thick sense of malice and hatred as he spoke. "Shark's are usually induced into a feeding frenzy when exposed to blood." He turned back towards the street, his grin growing more maniacal with each passing second.
"What could you possibly be talkin' about?" Rezzio said as he folded his arms, casting the man a bored glare. There was no way blood would send Zethus into a killing spree, he wasn't the kind of person who would even be subject to something like that in the first place. The man tossed a small vial to Rezzio, which he snatched out of the air when it came near him. A thick, transparent substance filled the inside of the vial and tiny specs of black pushed their way through the goo.
"Those little devils are infamous for inducing these blood frenzies, in both sharks and humans." He cast a side glance to Rezzio, who was visibly shaken by these words. If what this man was saying applied to Zethus in any way, it would mean trouble for just about everyone he'd come in contact with.
"That's right..I can see the fear plain as day written on your face." He grinned devilishly as he read Rezzio's emotions. "You know this will be fun, don't you?" But Rezzio didn't answer, instead he turned and made his way down the building and took off at full speed towards the Hobbit Hole grating. But the black-clad man just stood there laughing, laughing at the bloodshed to come. How he loved it so.

But Rezzio most certainly did not. He know that if Zethus experienced a nanite induced frenzy, he could go for days without stopping. He would kill everything and everyone that was unfortunate enough to cross his path, no matter how tired or weak he became, he wouldn't stop until his body literally fell apart. Rezzio had to stop him before he reached Mithra, but he must've been there by now. He might've already killed the girl and all the refugees. But Rezzio kept running, he knew that even if Mithra had been wiped out, he had to stop Zethus no matter what. Aside from the fact that Zethus would mindlessly kill anyone he could get his hands on, Rezzio knew that when, or even if Zethus recovered from the frenzy, this would weigh heavily on his heart, he'd never forgive himself for what he did, even if it wasn't his fault.
After wrestling to fit down the grating, which was a tad bit to small for his muscular body, Rezzio was finally in the tunnels. How long had it been since the last time he came here? A few years maybe, but he didn't have time to look for landmarks and street signs, he just ran as fast as he could through the tunnels. He knew he most likely would not catch Zethus in time, but he had to try. Even though Zethus was insanely fast on his feet, Rezzio was no slouch either, still slower then Zethus, but fast enough to at least keep up with him. He just hoped it was enough to catch him this time.
Just up ahead the next corner, the sounds of panicked refugees echoed through the caves, confirming everything. Calling upon speed Rezzio never imagined he had, he sprinted out of the caves and into the center of Mithra. But it was too late.
Several of the refugees had already crossed Zethus and paid dearly. Even refugees Rezzio recognized as former members of Wrathgate had fallen to Zethus. He was half relieved and half disturbed to see Zethus standing before a teenage boy. The boy's spiky hair was a darker shade of silver, almost a pale gray, and his bright blue eyes were full of determination as he held his ground against Zethus. Fresh cuts and bruises decorated the boy's arms and face, clearly he had been doing exceptionally well holding his own against Zethus. But Zethus looked as if he were in worse shape then the kid, his bright green eyes took on a darker sick green coloration and the random sections of his face and arms were covered in sick displays of blue and purple and his expression was far different from his default expression of oblivious happiness. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days and his mouth was curled into a sickening grin as he waved his shark-blade through the air.
"I knew you would be trouble! I can't believe this girl trusted you!" The boy shouted, clearly shaken by the current events. Armed only with a survival knife, the boy looked ready to take several more gashed before he would even think of faltering. He wasn't about to step down.
"I would offer you your life if you would step aside," Zethus' voice was heavy with malice and maybe even a sense of insanity, he seemed to be enjoying himself. "But what fun would that be?"
Without warning he lunged himself towards the boy, blade first, but the boy expertly dodged the oncoming attack and shoved his fist in between Zethus' ribs. Shocked from the sudden blow, he clutched his side as he stumbled to the side and caught his footing. Rezzio was surprised to see the kid avoid his attack like that, no one was capable of avoiding Zethus when he was set on killing them, he must've been weakened by the nanites. But Zethus cast the boy a mocking grin as he swung for him again, seemingly fully recovered from the blow. But the boy hadn't recovered from his counterattack, and Zethus' oncoming attack could not be blocked or avoided. As the shark-blade came near the boy's chest, a strong, darker toned arm appeared in the knife's projected path.
Rezzio gritted his teeth as he fought back the pain and grabbed a hold of Zethus' arm and slowly began bending it backwards. He glared at Zethus as he cackled maniacally and effortlessly wriggled free from his grasp, the jagged blade ripping flesh and muscle as it retracted from Rezzio's arm. Without giving him time to react, Zethus swung for Rezzio with amazing speed, much faster then that he attacked the boy with. But then Rezzio realized it, Zethus was only toying with that boy. Now the gloves had come off and Zethus wasn't afraid to kill Rezzio, even if it was he best friend.
The blade sank it's jagged fangs into Rezzio's shoulder just before he could dodge completely. His legs briefly went limp as the blade tore through his arm, but as he went down he grabbed a handful of Zethus' platinum hair and pulled him down with him, using the momentum in his advantage as he slammed the side of his face into the gravel streets. But suddenly a warm sensation spread out over his chest and he could feel his strength fading. He passed his hand over his chest, only to find the shark-blade embedded deep in his chest, blood flowed down the front of his torso from the wound.
He crumpled onto the ground and clutched his chest, gasping for air and swearing under his breath as Zethus rose to his feet. The whole left side of his face was covered in newly acquired cuts that bled a profuse mix of blood and dirt, but despite that, he kept his maniacal smile as he ripped the blade from Rezzio's chest.
"Ha hah..I expected you to be more of a challenge..How disappointing." But the smile faded from his face as the roar of a bullet tore through the caves and spot of blood erupted from his stomach. He passed his hand over the blood and smiled as he looked up at his would-be assassin.
Damali was barely able to stand as she had to lean on the doorpost of the inn for support, but in her hand she held an unusually shaped pistol in her hand, aimed right for Zethus. He only smiled and stepped over Rezzio, who was barely even able to breath anymore. He stroked the blade of his knife with his finger as he came closer to Damali, but suddenly another gunshot roared through the streets as a second and a third bullet tore through Zethus' chest and shoulder. He cried out in pain and fell to his knees, clutching his shoulder. Damali caught his eye as the sickly green pigmentation faded away, leaving only his bright green eyes and the sick coloration on his face and arms vanished. The expression on his face was a mixture of exhaustion and fear as he quickly registered what Damali had done to him.
"W-Why...?" Was all he could get out before his whole body went limp.

Damali dropped the pistol and sank down next to him, rolling him on to his back. But she was stopped by Apollo, who pulled her hands away from Zethus.
"No! Don't help this monster, let him die!" He cried as he pulled Damali to her feet and away from Zethus. But she broke away from his grasp and knelt down between Zethus and the black haired man who tried to stop him. The man's brilliant yellow eyes followed Damali's every move as she sat down next to him, his breathing was slow and shallow and his eyes were half-open. He was slipping fast.
"Apollo, take the bullets out for me, I have to help him." She said in a weak-toned voice as she took off her hooded jacket. Apollo cast Zethus a glare of disgust, but finally set to work removing the bullets. He was surprised to see that they were lodged just below the skin, they hadn't gone far enough to cause too much damage, if that was so then why did he pass out?
"What's the deal? They're not even an inch into his skin?" He dropped the three bullets onto the gravel and looked over at Damali. She had placed her jacket over the man's chest and was applying pressure to stop the bleeding.
"They sent an electric current through his entire body, it disrupted the.." Her voice trailed off as the black haired man held up a small vial, it was full of nanites. "Those..! Where did you get them?!" But before he could answer, his eyes rolled back and his whole body went limp. Damali felt along his hand to feel his pulse, it was slow and weak, but it was strong enough.
"Help me take them inside. Zethus will be okay, but this one will need lots of care." She struggled to her feet and planted her hands on the walls for support as Apollo carried the two of them inside. The scene before her was devastating, refugees who wanted nothing more then a safe haven were killed in their safe haven, the surviving refugees would never accept Zethus here now. What would he do now?

This was too much, way too much. Apollo was not comfortable with the situation at hand at all, this was way to much for him to handle on his own. He stood with his back to the wall as he watch Damali work her magic. Even though she was extremely weak, the effects of the antidote were slowly coming into play. Before she went inside the inn, Damali had found a small syringe full of a pale pink liquid which Apollo recognized as the antidote for her sickness. Instead of resting and allowing the antidote to take full effect, Damali set to work taking care of Zethus and the other man, who's stab wounds were still bleeding. Apollo couldn't understand her, why was she taking care of Zethus? Zethus had tried to kill him and managed to kill most of the refugees in Mithra. In Apollo's opinion, he didn't deserve to live. But Damali insisted, so he had to go along with it.
"Apollo, do you still have the bullets?" He was surprised at her question, but he fished around in his pocket and produced the bullets. They were quite short for a bullet and the mouth at the point was almost as wide at the bullet itself, this was most likely what stopped them from going so deep in his skin.
"What are these anyways? They're definitely not meant for killing." Apollo poked and prodded at the bullets in her hand, a slight spark jumped from the bullets to his hands.
"Whoa!" Damali giggled and held up one of the bullets, pointing to a blue line that went down the side of the bullet.
"These are seeder bullets. When fired, they open up before they reach the target, keeping it from going so deep in the skin. It was meant to subdue walizard's that were effected with nanite probes."
"Eh? Probes?" Apollo gave her a confused look as he examined the bullet closely.
"Yeah, my brother, Lukasz, is a genius. Ever since he was a boy he would make these crazy inventions that were actually very helpful to our daily lives down here. He created the probes to control the walizards, we would use them as sentries. But occasionally they'd go crazy and the seeder bullets would bring them down." Apollo glanced over at Zethus who was still fast asleep, he was sprawled across the bed like a child, his arms were wrapped around the pillow as if he were hugging someone tightly, a tendril of drool rolled down his chin as he snored loudly.
"Well it looks like he's doing better." Damali rolled her eyes and threw a rag at him, which he ignored completely as it landed on his face, the only reaction (if you could call it that) was a loud grunt as he rolled over into a position that looked quite uncomfortable.
"I just wonder how he ended up with nanite probes..It looks like these were remotely accessed."
"How can you tell?" Apollo glanced down at the bullets once more, but nothing abnormal stood out, save for their small size.
"The probes release a certain type of gas that feeds the host the thoughts and ideas of whoever is manipulating the probes. This gas effects pigmentation of the skin, veins and eyes, but it changes depending on how long the probes have been in his body." She held up the small vial of probes for Apollo to see. "The longer they are in a body, the harder it is to activate them on contact. After several weeks they must be activated remotely."
"Yeah I figured, but how can you tell?"
"The pigmentation effect is drastically increased after it's been remotely accessed. Instead of just effecting the eye color, it effects the veins and skin."
"I see. Who do you think could've done it?" But Damali shrugged and tucked the vial into her pocket. But she did indeed know who activated it, only one person could activate the probes remotely. Lukasz, her brother. But why would he do that? Why would he release probes in Zethus' body? She shook her head, it couldn't have been Lukasz, he has no reason to do something like this. But then she realized that as long as the probes were in his body, they would regenerate and prep themselves for activation after a twenty-four hour recharge. This could cause problems in the future for Zethus, because not only did it allow the user full control of his body, but they knew where he was. At all times.
She was finally torn from her thoughts as the black haired man stirred from his sleep.

He slowly opened his yellow eyes and looked around the room cautiously, until he saw Zethus asleep on a cot in the corner of the room. He shifted his head towards the girl who stood against the wall near the door. Her bright pink hair caught him off guard, he'd never seen such an unusual hair color such as that. Her deep blue eyes stood out under her bright hair, she was kinda cute, even for an underground street urchin. Rezzio smiled as he thought about it, no wonder Zethus was so determined to get the antidote for her.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" The girl asked him in a gentle voice. He nodded and motioned to Zethus in the corner.
"How's he doin'? You nailed him several times before he went down."
"Oh, he'll be just fine," She crossed the room and sat on the edge of Zethus' bed and slapped him with a pillow, but he only flinched and kicked his blankets off the cot as he rolled over, oblivious to the sudden blow from the pillow. "The only thing that will cause him problems will be his left shoulder, the slug went pretty deep." Rezzio's eyes focused on Zethus' shoulder, it was kind of hard to see as he vision was still blurred, but he could clearly see the bloodied bandage wrapped around his shoulder's. The whole left side of his face was covered in bandages and stitches held the skin above his eyebrows together.
"He just needs some rest, that's all." The girl pointed at Rezzio and gave him a stern look. "And so do you!" Rezzio rolled his eyes and pulled the blankets over his face.
"You're Damali, right?" He asked from under the blanket.
"Yep, that's me."
"I know your brother." Damali looked over at him with a surprised look on her face as he pulled the blanket off his head. "He's not a bad kid, actually." He knew after seeing that look on her face he had to lie. She wouldn't do very well knowing it was her brother who created the sickness she almost died from, it was better this way.
"That's good, I'm happy to hear he's doing well. I was worried about him." She stood up and headed towards the door. "Oh, I didn't get your name.."
Rezzio yawned and folded his arms behind his head as she turned out the light. "Rezzio Galfrin, Former Left Hand of Wrath." She nodded in response and left him to get some rest, the use of his title didn't seem to phase her any. Either she didn't care or she was going to kill him later.
Rezzio didn't really care at the moment, he just wanted to get some sleep. He looked over at Zethus, who was still sleeping in the most unusual position Rezzio had ever seen anyone sleep in. Even after taking three bullets to the chest, Zethus was still as air-headed as ever, even in his sleep. Rezzio giggled slightly and closed his eyes. He hoped that by tomorrow he'd be able to get up and move around, how he hated being bedridden.

Silverbullet Ch3: Black Is The New Silver

Third chapter!! This one is really fun, I introduce one of my favorite characters into the story : )
He is so awesome lol Enjoy!

A terrible storm roared as it rolled it's way across the Mars skies. Storms on Mars were far more dangerous then even some of the most destructive hurricanes that plagued Earth. These storms were granted existence through the artificial atmosphere, but the traces of Mars radiation still interfered with the artificial skies, creating the most dangerous storms. The origins of the Mars radiation in unknown, even the greatest scientists of Earth could not pinpoint the true origins of this mysterious radiation, but it proved completely harmless to humans and actually seemed to enhance several human traits. For example, prolonged exposure to this radiation made humans virtually immune to many natural diseases and medical anomalies that usually afflicted them through their natural lives. Sicknesses such as the common cold and the flu were absent in this atmosphere, as research revealed these types of germs were incapable of surviving in this atmosphere. The radiation, which had been named Valkyrie's Breath, did not appear on the planet until the naturally barren land was terraformed. This led to speculation that Valkyrie's Breath was a result of mixing the natural gases on Mars with the chemicals used to terraform the planet. It was called Valkyrie's Breath as it had a terrible effect on all forms of technology. Machines, electronic devices, everything mechanical was rendered ineffective if the materials used to build these machines came directly from Earth. Only if these objects were built from parts that had been exposed to Valkyrie's Breath for a prolonged period of time were capable of working, which was rare because the amount of time required for exposure was almost thirty to forty years. Mars cities resembled those of cities in the eighteen-hundreds when technology relied on steam and gears to work anything required for daily use, as radiation-aged parts were few and far between and the development of new machines was just now beginning to sprout up in the Mars community. Because of the radiation, most of the firearms sent here from Earth were also rendered useless, as almost all of Earth's firearms were now powered electronically. Because of this, violent disputes and rank challenges within the mercenary organizations were decided through swordsmanship. But the worst and most imposing feature of this radiation were the storms that were produced through the mutated atmosphere.
Thunder roared through the empty streets that were lit by the brilliant displays of electricity that stretched through the artificial clouds. It rained so hard and violently it was near impossible to see just a few feet in front of you, which explained the empty streets. Obscured view, the overbearing noises of thunder that could drown out any screams and a crime-infested city streets, obviously a bad combination that all of the inhabitants recognized and feared. Except for one, who was either too stupid to know any better or too brave to even care.
Zethus was soaked from head to toe as the violent rain pelted him relentlessly. The raindrops were so large and fierce that when they made contact with the gashes across his cheek, the repeated force of the water scraped away the dried blood and dirt crusted on the surface of the gashes, leaving a trail of fresh blood that trickled down his face. He had to pull his goggles over his face to shield his eyes from the violent impact of the raindrops. Aside from being so large and abnormally painful when the rain made contact with his skin, it served as the perfect cover for him to make his way through the city streets unseen. Anyone in their right mind would immediately recognize him as Shark and go for the Bounty, and where he was going, it was imperative that no one saw him.
He stopped at a corner and looked across the flooded streets. The outline of a run-down building was barely visible in the chaotic rainfall, but the imposing structure of the building was still as menacing in the rain as it was in the clear days. The Wrathgate Headquarters.
Now, others would've considered Zethus plight to be either suicide or ignorance, as no one marked as a Bounty ever made it out of Wrathgate's clutches alive. But Zethus had to stay hopeful, he knew Wrathgate owed him dearly for helping them contain a Digitarox outbreak a year prior. They would have to help him now that their own virus had been brought into the picture. Either that, or he'd have to resort to calling on an old friend, and how he'd hate to do that again.
The rain filled the rims of his goggles, giving him a view equivalent to that of being on the surface of the water, but it was still clear enough to see through to the Headquarters before him. His clothes were soaking wet, so much he had to discard his white and blue sweater several blocks back. The heavy cloth absorbed most of the rain water that fell on him, but grew heavier and made it hard to move about comfortably through the rain. Now he wore only a thin tank decorated with a black stripe stretching from the back of the shirt over the left shoulder, where it ended at the collar. Below that, a rather large, black Z was hand-sewn onto the fabric, which now sagged from being soaked. It was barely enough to keep him warm in the cold rain, but he didn't pay much attention to his current condition, save for the soaking sweater hindering his movement.
All Zethus could think about was getting a dose of the Digitarox antidote. His time to retrieve it was limited, getting to Wrathgate didn't take much time at all and returning to Mithra wouldn't be very long either, but he only worried about the time it would take to convince Wrathgate to provide him with the antidote. With a deep breath, Zethus crossed the street and approached the Wrathgate Headquarters.

"Hell no, I ain't doin' that!" A black-haired youth expressed his utmost disregard for his superior as he shouted his protest. Rezzio ran his hands through his wild hair and rolled his deep blue eyes at his new orders. Shocked and appalled at his subordinates response, Vin Karzen shot up out of his chair and stomped his way over to the urchin, who gave him a bored and aggravated expression.
"What? Got somethin' else crappy that'll ruin this lovely, rainy day?" Vin's face turned an abnormal shade of red as Rezzio spat his response. This kid is out of his mind to speak to the Right Hand of Wrath in that tone.
Rezzio's eyes were normally narrowed, giving off a half-asleep, half-awake look to his face, this was usually a common expression seen on him. But this time his narrowed eyes gave off an expression of pure aggravation and annoyance, emotions he was not afraid of sharing openly, even with his boss.
"You better watch yourself boy, only because your the Left Hand doesn't give you the authority to speak to me like that." Vin gave Rezzio a firm shove, knocking him back into his chair that slid a few inches before squealing to a stop. But Rezzio only sighed and crossed his arms, giving Vin a mocking stare.
"Shark is your new assignment, kill him and bring me his head before those fools at Nazca can catch up with him." Vin said as he settled down in his chair across from Rezzio.
"They ain't gonna catch that kid, you know that." But Vin shot Rezzio a piercing glare as he stroked his grayed beard. Vin had been the first mercenary official to rise to power out of all three organizations, and because of this, his entire organization was granted authority over both Nazca and Xibalba. But after thirty years of mercenary work, Vin's face was wrinkled and leathery, clearly showing the years of stress that wore off on his body, both physically and mentally. His gray hair was combed back into a thin, but neat, mass that covered the ever-increasing bald spots that began appearing all over his head.
"Why do you want Sharky dead, anyhow? He ain't done nothin' wrong to you." Rezzio's thick accent reflected that of his parents, who were dropped on Mars after being involved with a bloody drug war in New York back on Earth. It fit his strong face and even more so with his reckless personality, but it seemed to be an annoyance to Vin. In spite of his boss, Rezzio always added strong emphasis on certain words, just to push his buttons.
"Because, that kid is dangerous. You saw what he did to the last Shark, tore the poor guy to shreds before he even knew what was happening." Vin shook his head as he thought back to that day. "If I know that kid well enough, he'll soon realize there's no escape from the mercs."
"Considerin' how long he's been in this line'a business, that's kinda obvious to him then, eh?" Rezzio grunted as he slummed farther into his chair.
"He'll come after us, you know he will."
"What? He ain't got the nerve to even think'a somethin' like that."
"I think he does. If he kills off the mercenary officials of all the organizations, hunters and other mercs will be intimidated. They might call off their hunt if Shark kills off their leaders."
"See," Rezzio pointed at Vin and chuckled slightly. "Now you're givin' the kid too much credit."
But just then, the rusted doors of the main hall swung open violently, clattering and screeching as they slammed against the metal walls. Both Rezzio and Vin were shocked at the sight when a silvery figure came into view, a dark-clad mercenary squirmed as the silver figure pressed a shark-like knife to his throat. Zethus looked up at Rezzio and Vin, his bright green eyes shone from under the metallic blue lenses, still rimmed with rainwater.
"Well damn, I think you're screwed now, Vin." Rezzio burst into laughter at the sight of Vin's outraged face, that took on that amusing shade of red again. But Vin turned towards Zethus and motioned to the mercenary, who Zethus promptly let go and shoved towards the main doors.
"What are you doing here, Shark?" Vin's deep, bear-like voice bellowed through the empty all, giving him an intimidating aura. But Zethus could clearly see he was struggling to keep his composure and suppress his fear. Of what, Zethus hadn't a clue.
"What can you tell me about the Digitarox antidote?" Zethus asked bluntly, quickly getting on the subject. He was not too interested in wasting time with formalities, he just wanted to get the cure and go. Vin turned to Rezzio with a questioning expression, but Rezzio only shrugged and grinned, obvious he was containing his laughter.
"What do you want to know?"
"How I could get a dose of it."
"And why would you need it? Nazca is forbidden to use Digitarox for anything."
"A friend of mine has been afflicted with it. I think her jealous lover is out for blood, she's been spending alot of time with me lately." Zethus offered them his cat-like grin, hoping Vin would take the bait. But Vin shook his head and laughed, leaning against the railing on the edge of the platform.
"Jealous lover, eh? I don't think so." Zethus' grin faded as Vin spoke. "I know you're a Bounty, kid." Vin's eyes followed Zethus' hand, which curled around the fitted grip of his knife.
"That girl is probably an escort for Hobbit Hole, eh?" Rezzio knelt down by the railing and grinned at Zethus, who cast him a piercing stare. He was caught off guard by this transition in his expression as Shark wasn't known for an aggressive appearance, this could mean trouble if he's turning out like this.
"That doesn't matter to you anyways. If the two of you had any problems with escorts and runner's, you would've dealt with it a long time ago." Zethus' countenance became more menacing and malicious as he spoke, his voice thick with an impatient overtone.
"Now, I don't have the time to sit around here and listen to your blabbing. Either give me the antidote or I'll get it myself."
Rezzio stood up and nudged Vin in the arm, motioning to the knife in Zethus' hand.
"Alrighty Vin, better think'a somethin' before Sharky here kills us all."
But Vin didn't move, he didn't even flinch. He only gave Zethus a glare that clearly stated his disregard for Shark's threats.
"We won't answer to you, Shark." Vin turned and started towards the back of the hall, obviously in a hurry to distance himself from Zethus. "You're friend will just have to die." Vin motioned to Rezzio, who pivoted on his heel and followed after Vin. Rezzio chuckled quietly as they walked away, he knew that this wasn't going to turn out well. Either Vin would make the mistake of ordering an attack on Shark, or Shark would make his move first and wipe them all out. Even though Vin was the strongest and best mercenary of all the officials, he held a deep fear of Shark, even though he had never been pitted one-on-one with him. Just hearing stories and bearing witness to Shark's ferocity in battle, which was far superior to his own, was surely enough to steer Vin away from an obstacle he did not want to pass. Rezzio was aware of this, and he knew that if circumstances were different, Vin would've been sending him to his death, since it was now his responsibility to bring in Shark's head.
But thank goodness the circumstances were not different.

Zethus stood in the empty alleys outside of the Headquarters, surveying the building structure. The building was once the capitol of the city back when it was first being built, but after the mercenaries overthrew the Earth Government's hold on Vaire City and now it belonged to Wrathgate. In it's previous days, the capitol was built with seven floors, but now only two of the floors were still accessible. The middle of the second floor, towards the front of the building served as Vin's chambers, where he spent most of his time when he wasn't barking orders to his subordinates. That was also most likely where the antidote was. That was Zethus' target.
The ledges of the building were smooth and especially slippery from the rain, but that only served as a slight delay for Zethus who expertly climbed up the side of the building without a second thought. He kept his head down as he approached the windows, the light inside the rooms illuminated most of the ledge, but has he came under Vin's window, the lights all went out simultaneously. Below, the streets filled with the sound of stamping feet and shouting, sounds that overwrote the noises made by the violent rainfall. He managed to hear a few of the men shouting as they poured into the street from the Wrathgate entrance.
"Full week of freetime to whoever brings me Shark's head first!" Zethus could clearly hear Vin's bellowing voice echo through the rainy alley. They were all coming for him, he had to act fast to get the antidote and even faster to get out alive. But as he turned to face the window, a familiar face met him.
"Y'know, if things were different, I'd have'ta kill you, Sharky." Rezzio said as he pushed the window pane up and grinned.
"But I'd probably kill you first, don'tcha know?" Zethus smiled big and climbed in the window and reached his hand out to Rezzio, who took his hand and shook it rather vigorously.
"You 'bout gave the old man a heart attack earlier, y'know?" Rezzio busted out laughing and handed Zethus a brown paper sack.
"What were you guys talking about, anyways?" His eyes lit up as he opened the paper bag, a small syringe filled with a pink liquid with a smiley face logo smiling back at him. "This is it!"
"Yup, now ya just gotta get back to the girl before she buys the farm." Rezzio gave him a firm slap on the back and a friendly smile. It was times like this Zethus was thankful for having a friend like Rezzio on his side. Ever since the two of them were kids, they had always stood by each others side and even now as members of opposing organizations, Rezzio never passed up a chance to help Zethus. It's good to have connections! Zethus thought to himself as he looked out the window.
"Hey," Rezzio tossed Zethus a pile of clothes as he turned back to face him. "Might wanna put those on. Vin gave everyone your description, they'll find ya pretty quick dressed like that." Zethus pulled out a black and red, collared overshirt and gave Rezzio a disappointed stare.
"Do you have any colors besides black? How about white?" But Rezzio gave him an annoyed looked and shook his head.
"This isn't really the time to be picky, eh?" But Zethus grinned and nodded, then pulled the overshirt over his own white tank.
Finally clad in his new duds, Zethus' platinum hair and green eyes looked somewhat out of place with his new red, gold and black color scheme. The black Z and stripe peaked out from under the overshirt, which was decorated with red and golden stripes. In place of his baggy gray pants he wore a pair of black jeans that weren't as baggy, this offered a better sense of movement as he wasn't scared of tripping over the extra fabric of his pants.
"See? It ain't that bad, eh?" Rezzio smiled as he handed Zethus a pair of black and red goggles in place of his metallic blue one's.
"Alrighty, this is how this'll go down. You take off towards the Hole, I'll lead 'em the opposite direction."
"Vin will suspect you of this. He's gonna pick it up soon enough." Zethus gave him a concerned look before turning towards the window, but Rezzio chuckled in response.
"No worries. After this, I'm leaving." Zethus spun around to face him, caught off guard by his words.
"Leaving? But he's not even dead yet..?"
"That's not important right now." Rezzio kept his toothy grin as he hoisted a large backpack onto his shoulders.
"You said this girl has Digitarox, she was your escort, eh?"
"Yeah, someone in Turel Reach attacked us, not even three minutes later she started showing symptoms." Rezzio's eyes widened as Zethus mentioned this, the transition in his expression disturbed Zethus. Not many things could be said to make Rezzio falter.
"You need to get back to her as soon as possible. That's an enhanced dose. Her fifty-six hour lifespan has just been shortened to twelve."
"What?! I've been out here for six!" Zethus looked at him with disbelief. "How did they get that?!"
"Lukasz defected, we've no idea where he went. But if she has E-Digi, Lukasz' new employer is most likely to blame. Now GO!" Rezzio grabbed a handful of the black overshirt and pushed Zethus out of the side window, into an empty alley. He looked back up at Rezzio and gave him a death glare.
"Rez, what did I tell you about windows?!"
"Kill me later, run now! Get the hell outta here, Sharky!" And with that, Rezzio was gone from the window. Zethus could hear the sound of the crowd turn away from him as he started towards the streets, Rezzio's thick accent could be heard over the roaring crowd as he guided them in the opposite direction. This was his chance. Zethus sprinted out from the alley and back down the wet streets towards the grating that led to Hobbit Hole. With the antidote in hand, there would be nothing standing in his way now.

A shrouded figure stood on one of the highest ledges at the top of the Wrathgate Headquarters, watching the scene before him. Shark going off into the empty streets while his would-be hunters ran off in the opposite direction. The figure smiled with amusement as he took in the scene, it was better this way anyhow. The Shark was his prey. Not Wrathgate's, not Nazca's, not even Xibalba's. His.
His brilliant green eyes fixed on the diminishing figure of Zethus as he ran farther and farther down the streets and finally disappeared in the chaotic rainfall.
"That's right, Shark. Run as far as you can." His smile grew wider and more malicious. "Before I kill you."

