hEre i aM agAin!! 
i woULd Like to inTROduCe to yOu...
~~ The Prince of Tennis ~~
...my 2nd fAve aNimE !.. 
tOp 1 reEAson is bECause of rYOma ecHIZen !! 
--hE is vEry coOL, intELLigEnt anD hANDsoME gUy <3
tHe stORy is vEry awESOme tOo.. tHe chaLLEnges tHAt tEAm Segaku enCOunTErs aRe aLL dEFEated evEn thEy seEm hARdLy foUGht thEre oPponEnts... thEy weRe aLL vERy goOd anD thEir tecHniQUes or diFferENt skiLLS thEy haVE are sO impRESsive!!! thAT's whY mY dAy wiLL nEVr be cOMPLete if i cAn't waTch POT !! evEN i aM at scHOoL?? it'S stiLL on my miNd and alWAys a TOpic of mE and my bESTfriEnd!!!
do yOu Love POT 2?..
thEn teLL me abOUt it!!

here is D.N. Angel!
my 3rd fave aNimE... 
wHy ?? 
--___beCAuse thE stORy of tHis is VEry beAUtiFul anD hAs aMAziNg chAracters.... my mOSt fAve chARacter hEre is "Dark"! he is jUSt so coOL anD yEt vEry hAndsoMe charACter toO...
----do yOu knOW boUt thiS aniMe??
----fEeL fReE tO teLL me anYTHing bOUt DN Angel!
----i woULd reaLLy Love thAt