Everything from Art, to surveys, to life posts.
Try to tolerate me.

Taking Art Requests! And art trades + collabs.

I'm open for requests! Just give me the character/characters (please no more than 3) and a short description of what you would like.

I'm only taking 10 at the time, so fill her up : )

1. OPEN! Person did not provide references!
2. samgirl
3. LoveKouichi
4. DN Fangirls
5. MewMew
6. Sage of Magic
7. SakuraDust
8. zero guardian

Art Trades are awesome too!

1. StrawberriCherri
2. Yuuranachi
3. skyfoam
4. NekoTenshiEmi
5. xXxShiaxXx
6. Yours Truly

I would love to Collaborate with somebody, I'll draw or color. : >
Please PM me on that!

1. healer94

I'm trying to get back into the hang of the art community, and I'm hoping this will give me a headstart.

ALSO, IMPORTANT. I NEED REFERENCES OF YOUR CHARACTERS FOR ME TO DRAW THEM. IF I CANNOT FIND THEM IN YOUR GALLERY, I WILL NOT DRAW THEM. if you don't have a picture in your gallery of said character/s then please send me one!


UH so we are having a revival of old otaku artists! aragorn1014 has an excellent explanation and post on it, go visit her world!

External Image
also. what is the meaning of this. Sarah posts this amazing gorgeous picture that is awesome and epic and win. and YET. WHY IS IT IGNORED. BKASDFASDFSDF
SO. SAD. gogogo and make her day. it'll make mine.
