Everything from Art, to surveys, to life posts.
Try to tolerate me.
- Created By Cherryshock
Its hard to believe I was in 4th grade when I joined this website. And now I'm going to be a Junior(11th grade) in highschool, starting tomorrow.
wish me luck.
First day back was great! I have some tough classes (Latin, AP Art Hist) but I'll chug through! I'm taking the SATs again next month (I've taken them twice already, damn it) so I have to start studying now. College is so close uwaa.
Just a little check in~
Since I've hardly had any time to use the computer lately.
Classes are pretty good, 'cept for a bitch English teacher.
I moved up to the A-level Latin class (I was in B last year) so now I have all A classes, but AUFDHGHFGHFgh I am so far behind in Latin and Im scrambling to memorize like 60 new forms, and keep up with like 100 vocab words a week and augfhhfdghfgh so hard.
I have like... 4 huge projects due next week. One in Economics, another in my Russian history class on Anastasia Romanov, and another in English. Aufghdfghfgh I haven't started any of them yet! I'm screwed...
Oh! I've also started to take after school conversational Italian, since I'm going to Rome in February. Ciao!
Besides school, I got bitten by a chipmunk on Wednesday. My cat was torturing the poor thing in the middle of the driveway when I was walking home, so I shooed off my kitty and tried to rescue it. It had broken back legs and I tried to pick it up in notebook paper (I still had my backpack on) but it bit right through it. ;_; owww, worse than hamster bites. Anyways, I wound up having to shoot it to put it out of its misery : ( Sad sad.
Pep rally at school today! Which was absolutely disgusting since its like, 4000 kids packed into a gymnasium on the hottest day on the week, AUGH IT SMELT SO BAAADDDD AND IT WAS SWEATY AND GROSS AND AUUFGHFGHFHG. PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE SHOWERS MORE OFTEN.
It was okay, lots of Jersey Shore references, a Napoleon Dynamite skit, and the band plays Bad Romance. Pretty cool, also runners in short shorts and a male cheerleader. Fuuuuuuuuuun.
Ummm well i love you guys very much, and HEHE
This will be the 5th birthday I'll be celebrating on theo. Sweet Sixteeeen.
Grounded blah
STTTIIILLL grounded.
No computer on weekdays and only 2 hours per day on weekends.
IrrationalPrince has been commenting for me, I hope you don't mind.
SDFSDFGRAUGHB I have the hiccups.
also, this kid goes to my school.
okay so if you didnt already know since i tell everyone everything,
I go to the biggest public academy in the US. ITS HUGE. I MEAN. NEARLY 3500 KIDS. Oh and the campus is fucking gigantic. Its the sixe of a decent sized college.
Here is my scheduleeee. A is the best class rank besides AP, but those dont exist for freshmaaaannn.
period A. Latin 1B (only because freshman cant take A latin) (in the chapel)
period B. intro to Visual Art (I dont think i need to take this but uhhh lol english/fine art building)
period C. Intro to Physics and Chemistry 1A (science building)
period D. Algebra 1A ( I TOOK THIS LAST YEAR FUCK SO EASY FUCKKKKK. why didnt i choose to go to algebra 2A SOBBBB Uhhh Vocational Building)
period E. Global Studies: China & India (social studies wing)
period F. English 1A (english building)
period G. Lunch/ half study
period H. Computer applications (keyboarding and microsoft word class, vocational building)
UHHHH SOOOOO. from my p.A class to my p.B class its a little more than a quater mile. and even longer to get from p.E to p.F.....
WHY ARE THE BUILDINGS SO HUGEEEEEEEE AND WHY ARE THE ALKS SO RIDICULOUSLY LONNNNGGGGG. I have to walk up about 50 flights of stairs or more a day, i swear. my feet. ow. It was so hard to find my classes the first couple of days... I had to use a map constantly. ALSO THE NUMBERING IS WEIRD. like i have one class on one side of the campus in rm. 20, and then one in rm. 518...
booyeah Robert Frost taught at my school, and boo yeah Alan Shepard (first american in space ftwww) went hereeee. Speaking of which i have a rocking chair from alan shepard's house. (I can see his house from my bus stop ftwwww)
I like all of my classes, especially global studies~ I'm bored in math because im supposed to be in algebra 2. so im stuck with a whole bunch of kids who are all UHHHGFDGHHHH I DUNNO WHAT RADICALS AREEEEE!!11! HALP MEEE. sob. i shoulda took that algebra 2 exam seriously (uhhh but only one person passed because it was like, all word problem shit...) And the enlgish teacher is mean and didnt tell us we had homework and uuhhhh doesnt except homework a day late so i am already failing his class. 2 assignments, one a zero. fuckk.
also there is so many hot boys here omg. omg. the advantage of going to a big school = more guys = more options. oh my god. just. so many beautiful boys i am nearly jizzing my pants everywhere i look. but almost all of them are upperclassmen sob. but but. UUUNNNDFFFDFFFDFSDFF in my comp apps class.... fapfapfapfapfap.
uh and uhhh. so many scenefags and hipsterfags and it is so disgusting and uhghfgh i hate trendwhores so much. PEOPLE ARE SO NICE TO ME HEREEEEE. i think its because i have become a master at hiding my powerlevel. all of you people out there who have people ignore you and make fun of you. if you are open about anime uhhhh social outcast. I still love my animuz but i just dont broadcast it and stuff... I still have a cinnamaroll penicl case and kitty eraser and tenorikuma notepad but i guess that doesnt count. I was debating on whether to wear my KH2 tshirt.... but when i did that at ccd all the gamerfags and icky boys were all OMGEEEE YOU LIEK VIDEO GAMESSSS. NORMAL LOOKING GIRL LIKES GAMES WHUTTT. so im not doing that again.... not for public places... ewhhh gamerboys in my school are disgusting so no ty.
ALSO NOBODY/except for my friends/ RECOGNIZES ME YAY.
like i was walking right next to this guy that i liked back when i was a weaboo in like 5th grade. oh my god it was so disgusting how i acted in 5th grade.... its hard for me to even talk about i just hate myself so much back then ewhewhwehwefawfasdfsdfgdfg. well anyways i looked really different. i looked like typically weaboo faggotory.... CURLY CRAZY FRIZZY HAIR. i put it in a ponytail back then everyday until it had a dent. i had to grow out the dent. and i had braces and ewhewhwhwwe and gap clothes and why. why was i like that. so gross.i was on here in 5th grade i think. why did you guys talk to me lol.....
so yeah i was disgusting and i was was obsessvie and i was just ewh i dont even. so now i am WEARING MY OWN CUTE CLOTHES IN MY OWN SPECIAL STYLE. and i straightened my hair and new haircut (bangs to the side ftwww like rika) and got my braces off and now i wear mascara and such I BET I SOUND SUPERFICIAL BUT ITS HOW IT IS NOW, KIDS. so yeah i was walking right next to him and i said hi and he didn't know who i was and it felt so great.
even though i saw him a year ago and told him who i was.... (but i looked different a year ago too.... i guess)
well i bet you are wondering why i even bothered saying hi to a guy i used to like, well you see, i get attached to things. like, i might not like them anymore, but i hold on to them for some reason... like when my dad changed the back of the toilet seat i was so upset.... i don't no why. FFFF LOL. i don't like losing things i was comfortable with. (same thing happened when we painted the house this summer, it was the exact same color... but it looked fine to me before so it was upsetting)So i have the same attachment sorta thing with people, i guess, not the same way, but i like seeing what they look like now, i want to see what happened when i wasnt there, and just, everything. i like to know everything because i am nosyyyyy. nosy nosy.
this is a long long post.
read shugo chara chapter 44 todayyyyyy. ffff god it took forever for them to be posted but yaaay. sobsob... ran... miki... suu. SOBSOB ILL MISS THEM SXDFSDFASDFASDFSADFSDF.
Sarah is in canada atm so im boreeedddd. i cant call her because it costs extra money, and same with texting in canada... sorry iri i just got the bill... we went over 30 bucks. but my mom said i could work it off ; u;.
School is just generally fun i think... except for being blashsdfsdf from walking up like 3453453245346345456 flights of stairs. and waking up at 5:30am. not fun.(classes start at 7.15am) but i get home at around 3pm.... (it takes me 15 minutes to walk home from my bus stop sooobbb why so far)
i hope somebody actually reads this, this time.
long post is long...