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Hi, so I'm Sarah. There's nothing more to it, and I can bet you will never find a nickname for me that will stick, but oh well. I am cursed, haha. I like to make jokes and talk about anime and japan and japanese stuff, face it I'm a japanefile. lol! I'm always serching for some good tunes so if you are really obsessing over something suggest it to me! I used to have a top sexy list but that was demolished when I read too many mangas. lol, I'll just name some of my all time favorite charaters I can rememeber.

♥Light Yagami, Abel Nightroad, Spike Speagle, Hiruma Yoishi, Ren Tsuruga, Ichimaru Gin♥

So feel free to chat with me anytime, I love new friends and dont forget to sign my guestbook and subscribe XD thanks so much, bye bye!

IM me anytime, s/n- Trinityxlight

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I know i've been relle down lately well its only getting worse. i feel i have no friends. i dont know what to do. im more mad at the people im friends with now for ingnoring me and doing everything they want to with eachother than the time someone pissed in my soda. But unfortanatly both times i couldnt controll my feeling. I tried so hard, you wouldnt beieve, not to cry. yet i did. It didnt help when all three of them came over becuase it set it off again. just cody, he kept scewing with me making fun of me. I cant take it. Ya know whats funny this reminds me of something i dont wanna say it, i relle dont. But cody reminds me of harley. Hope told me harley tries splitting up friends. He's probably not doing it on purpose but thats how it feels. I awlays used to be made fun of on the bus i grew up with it. It relle sucks. I don't feel like talking to hope and i dont want to talk to cody anymore. I dont know about amber shes relle awesome. but....idk i hate it!!!! i wish i could like die, get hit by a car something. I know i'll just never drink water again and then i'll have kidney failure and i wont have anything to worry about anymore. i hope someone throws me down a staircase. it happend before, unfortunaly i didnt get hurt *sigh* goddamn it. I relle wanted amber to come over to. w.e. i dont care anymore. its the end of my star wars days XCCc screw this. i hate myself. I dont know why i even feel this way it soooo screwed up. Maybe its because cody hates me and hope and amber love him and do whatever with him. like hope always bitches at me and it pissed me off sooooooo much when she did something with cody that she yelled at me for doing. Im soo sad. Im sorry this post is long. A lot happend. I wish i never went. things would be a lot better. even if i was mad at my mom. now i just dont know who to talk to or be friends with anymore. i guess i just wont......


I hate my mom soooo much. Why, why is it the past few weeks she has to be totally insane, i wonder if shes taking her meds >XC Anyways I'm not allowed to go into town to help my friend with her yard sale. theres a street fair in town and i wanted to go. the drive is like a minute yet they dont want to take me. FUCK HER!!! goddamn. And all my friends are there. All 3 of them, lol. She said i cant go becuase we might go out later, MIGHT!! I hate her. its like 11 am nd we might go out later!!! I HATE HER!

TrinityLight v.s. Sexysesshomaru

Alright Sexysesshomaru thinks im better than her and visa versa. I think I suck she thinks she sucks. But tell me the truth whose better?




So I'm on my 4 day weekend! It's gunna be great. Hopefully. But my mom won't let Amma-sama come over enless I have all ym chores done so I relle have to start sucking up. Especially if I want to go to this thing that will be great!! Im not telling what.

I did like all my laundry. My blech sirt had some nasty stains on it, but I washed it with bleachand it's all good now. Exept for little teeny weene pen marks ahah, my bad. lol.

Love you all! Bye bye! XD

i love you!

Heyy everyone so we played our last game yesterday we lost but it was really fun! How is everyone else. i hope everyone knows that there is another bleach birthday coming up on May 29th. Try and guess who. haha. Well see you all later!, Bye bye.