Damn! You tagged me! Ah well, I shall post 15 things as well There's nothing wrong being ginger! *Kaede can't believe she is saying this* I'd love to be ginger, I have the most boring hair colour imaginable *Is so jealous of Jack-Jack* Heh-heh, I have loads of homework to do, but lately I really don't care, especially when I'm listening to my music *Kaede has just finished listening to Thriller by Fall out Boy and is now listening to Some might say by Oasis*
Well, I better get started on the 25 things about KD
See ya!
Gingers rock! I wish i was ginger...ginger jokes are better than blond ones! T^T anywho...lol. dont get more mature! immature is bettar by far! *is immature* xD
:P Cya round buddy! :D
Can I steal your hair?
It's too cute.
I wanna be ginger.
And English. XDD
No joke. :P
I'm going to do the listy thing tomorrow,
so remind me on MSN, because I'm going to forget.
Aw, hey, I'm a ginger too! When I was in London back in March 08, I was on the escalator in the Tubes with my best friend (who is also ginger) and some guy called out, "'Ey, gingah!" It was the coolest thing ever!!
I'ma go do this thing, but you gotta read and comment...
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
NOES YOU TAGGED SHI-CHAN -_- now she'll have to do it too....
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/06/09 | Reply
Damn! You tagged me! Ah well, I shall post 15 things as well There's nothing wrong being ginger! *Kaede can't believe she is saying this* I'd love to be ginger, I have the most boring hair colour imaginable *Is so jealous of Jack-Jack* Heh-heh, I have loads of homework to do, but lately I really don't care, especially when I'm listening to my music *Kaede has just finished listening to Thriller by Fall out Boy and is now listening to Some might say by Oasis*
Well, I better get started on the 25 things about KD
See ya!
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/06/09 | Reply
:D You stand up for your friends :D!
Laura <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Gingers rock! I wish i was ginger...ginger jokes are better than blond ones! T^T anywho...lol. dont get more mature! immature is bettar by far! *is immature* xD
:P Cya round buddy! :D
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Well first off look at this link right here.
He has "red" or "ginger" hair. You should know why I used that picture.
Last edited by Heartkruez at 6:29:49 PM EST on February 5, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Please take it,
I'd love to have black hair and be american xD
I shall remind you.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Can I steal your hair?
It's too cute.
I wanna be ginger.
And English. XDD
No joke. :P
I'm going to do the listy thing tomorrow,
so remind me on MSN, because I'm going to forget.
a huge number.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Why is that so great?
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
@Mercury Dragon:
Mercury Dragon
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Aw, hey, I'm a ginger too! When I was in London back in March 08, I was on the escalator in the Tubes with my best friend (who is also ginger) and some guy called out, "'Ey, gingah!" It was the coolest thing ever!!
I'ma go do this thing, but you gotta read and comment...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
I am Ginger.
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
NEITHER AM I!!! I shall hit you with a hacksaw! *ahem*
What was I going to say?
Oh yes, aren't you a redhead?
*prepares to do list thingy*
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
I'm not on that list...