lolz i 4got its wuz april fools yesterday and i wuz lik "OMG!!! SOME WEIRD TWILIGHTER HACKED THE SITE!!!" wowz AND THEN I REMEMBERED...I WUZ LIK O IT WUZ A JOKE....MAN IM DUMB.....hee hee my rank wuz I LIEK TWILITE
Rofl. Yeah, I'm a Senior n00bbb. And yes, the Cullen Thing is getting very annoying...It's bad enough I have to hear about the TwiTards and their "throw-acid-on-Twilight-dislikers!" thing....
Himbo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
lolz i 4got its wuz april fools yesterday and i wuz lik "OMG!!! SOME WEIRD TWILIGHTER HACKED THE SITE!!!" wowz AND THEN I REMEMBERED...I WUZ LIK O IT WUZ A JOKE....MAN IM DUMB.....hee hee my rank wuz I LIEK TWILITE
Mercury Dragon
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
Rofl. Yeah, I'm a Senior n00bbb. And yes, the Cullen Thing is getting very annoying...It's bad enough I have to hear about the TwiTards and their "throw-acid-on-Twilight-dislikers!" thing....