why, thank you I chose this because in this chapter, Serena and Michael meet up again and kiss. I'm sure if you read the intro or the last couple chapters, you'd understand XD Michael is an Angel, but he is fallen. His wings are still there, but like whispers in the wind-they're very vague and hardly there, since he doesn't keep his contact with heaven. His aura and touch are of a heavenly quality though, and that's what captures Serena. That, and the fact that she can escape almost anything, but his eyes. She just can't escape him. That's why the story itself is called Try to Escape. She WANTS to escape him, but she can't. She TRIES, but to no avail. I didn't explain this in the intro, but the reader shall find out soon enough
Your writing is good, but your storylines are better. I love the plot you create
This title, for some reason, is really striking to me. Like there's some power behind it or something XP Must be your writing talen showing again. I NEED TO GET BETTER AT WRITING AGAIN! T_T
(sorry, no regular internet yet, maybe by next month ><)
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/20/10 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
Thanks ^^" Maybe I'll put out another chapter soon (internet providing XP Stealing the neighbors weak signal is tiring)
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/20/10 | Reply
@Ryo or Demon:
why, thank you
I chose this because in this chapter, Serena and Michael meet up again and kiss. I'm sure if you read the intro or the last couple chapters, you'd understand XD Michael is an Angel, but he is fallen. His wings are still there, but like whispers in the wind-they're very vague and hardly there, since he doesn't keep his contact with heaven. His aura and touch are of a heavenly quality though, and that's what captures Serena. That, and the fact that she can escape almost anything, but his eyes. She just can't escape him. That's why the story itself is called Try to Escape. She WANTS to escape him, but she can't. She TRIES, but to no avail. I didn't explain this in the intro, but the reader shall find out soon enough
Your writing is good, but your storylines are better. I love the plot you create
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/20/10 | Reply
This title, for some reason, is really striking to me. Like there's some power behind it or something XP Must be your writing talen showing again. I NEED TO GET BETTER AT WRITING AGAIN! T_T
(sorry, no regular internet yet, maybe by next month ><)