Hey all! Sorry I’ve been woefully inactive lately!
This is for a few reasons… Partially being busy, partially working on other side projects, but a big reason is my carpel tunnel being just awful lately. My arm up yp my shoulder gets painful shooting spasms and tingly numbness.
I’ve learned how to do most things on my computer with just my off hand. (Like right now, typing shockingly fast for just one non dominate hand) However I can’t do complicated photoshop left handed. Even the thing I’m including below I had to cheat and use both hands.
Anyways, I expect to be up and running soon and there are sooooo many scans I want to color!!!! AH! I wanna color right now dang it!
Oh well… sooooooooon.
So I thought I’d share some of the scans in my “manga to color” folder!
I f you think one of these is especially cool drop a comment and I’ll try to do it first!
Also if you have a manga scan or personal art you want to see colored post me a link! I’m always open to requests or trades or what have you. (I don’t require a trade for a coloring tho lol )
Thanks all!