Hello! This is my World...Here is where I will post my thoughts and stuff like that!!! If anything is labled a "Rant" thats what it is me going on and on about somthing I love or hate!!!!

Find me elsewhere on the net!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solongdreamworld
Pm me for my DA!

If you drop me a pm on DA or youtube letting me know you're from TheO I will absolutely make sure to connect to you!!!

My Mom Watches AoT

So I’ve been into anime and manga for a long long time. I cosplay, and my mom through the years has taught me sewing and crafting skills, which she calls “a lost art.” Anyways, long story short, she knows a little bit about the world of otaku.
(I swear I’m getting to the point and that this story is hilarious)

So my brother had never seen Attack on Titan, and while I’ve read the manga I had never seen the anime either, so we decided to sit down and watch some episodes together.
Well about half way through episode one my mom decided to join us, and hilarity ensued.
Here are some actual comments my mom (and family) made while watching the first half of season 1 during our marathon.

Mom: So why do they eat people?
Me: They just do. They’re giants and they eat people. That's all you need to know right now.

Mom: So those things on their hips..?
Me: Propel them using compressed gas or something. I don’t know any of the fantasy technical stuff.
Mom: Is there a place I can find out?
(one of the info screens can up conveniently explaining some stuff)
Mom: Interesting…
My Bro: That sounds like it’d be painful…

(My dad walks into the room)
Dad: Is this your cartoon stuff?
Me & Bro & Mom: Yes anime.
(Titans continue attacking)
Dad: …
(Dad stares at Tv)
Dad: Why are there a bunch of naked people..?

(My mom grabs her tablet and starts googling)
Mom: You should cosplay this!
Me: (Laughs) Everyone cosplays this!
Mom: Then cosplay one of those titans!

SPIOILERS This comment includes spoilers (And is the best)

(Eren turns into a titan)
Mom: Oh so he’s a Titan?
My Bro: Apparently… Tsubasachro is he gonna eat people?
Me: Maaaaybe…
Mom: Oooooh!
Me: What?
Mom (with so much joy in her voice): So he’s the king of the Titans!

I love that my mom gets anime. She even knows the difference between anime and manga. But omg! It’s times like this when I feel like a need a “My mom watches anime” youtube channel. Cause she is hilarious!!!

Bwaha Fullmetal Alchemist

Hey all!
My friend and I were marathoning Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, 2 days straight, and I have Fullmetal on the brain!!!
Anyways we were watching the show and noticed this hilarious scene where it looks for a spilt second that Scar it shooting laser beams from his eyes!
So of course I made a gif for my friend to share on her Tumbler and I figured I'd share it here too! ^-^

Feel free to use this gif for whatever you'd like! If anyone wants an avi sized version let me know and I'll post a smaller one without my signature.

External Image


7 Things for 7 Years

A bit late to celebrate but…
its been a long standing thing of mine to periodically share things about myself that you may not know. I do this A.) because its lets you know me better and B.) because I love hearing things about you guys I didn’t know. (win win right??? XD)
So here we go 7 things you may not know about me for 7 years on TheO

1. My number one fangirl moment was when I got to meet Hideyuki Kikuchi (Author of Vampire Hunter D) and Saiko Takaki (The artist of the manga version of Vampire Hunter D) My number 2 fangirl moment is that Saiko drew a picture of me in my cosplay in the back of one of the VHD manga. (The little authors note) Made my year. XD

2. I am a huge geek. I love American comics and manga alike, and am an avid Trekie as well… I grew up on scifi!

3. I have never played a video game all the way though. My gaming experience is limited to The Sims, Wii Sports and part of Kirby’s Epic Yarn (an easy game that I only played one level of because I couldn’t figure out how to jump) I decided recently to change this and may even record the process…. ^.^;;

4. I get asked a lot, plus there’s constantly “where’d you get it” discussions on TheO, but my user name has no special meaning… I didn’t even get to pick it! My account was made for me by a Tsubasa obsessed fan! (aka Wallpaperotaku) lol

5. I loooooove making amvs and mmvs!!! It’s a hobby of mine. (If you’re a Vassalord fan, chances are good you’ve seen my mmvs) I post one about every 6 months or so, but lately I’ve been getting them out quicker. In fact, I also really enjoy competing in amv contests. Two of my amvs have played at large cons! So far I haven’t won but I plan to change that! ^-^ If you have a YouTube account I’d love to add you! So look me up and send me a pm!

6. I am a Zorro fanatic. Random right??? But seriously I looooooooove Zorro… I’ve watched most of the TV series (even Black Whip which is so not Zorro and the animated blond Zorro) I’ve even read the book more than 7 times and getting to see the actual saddle used in the Disney Zorro TV show was a highlight of my summer.

7. I have acted in plenty of student films during my college days… I am not proud of them. They are on YouTube and I await the dreaded day they go viral… My rolls have included a druggie, a zombie, an angel secretary, and some voice acting as the vampire Andrew Bennett. I am less embarrassed about the last one since I directed and edited it. Feel free to check it out through this link. I may not be the best but my costars are great! Sadly I still need to finish the second half of the issue. In addition you can only see this video through this link as it is unlisted.

So what about you? Do you have any secrete fandoms? Or love making amvs? Or do you have some other interesting hobby?


7 Years on TheO! (Oh and foxes)

Woot! I've now been on this site for a long long time!!!

But really I'm posting to share this amazing song... Trust me you shall not be disappointed!
Maybe you've even heard it before, but if not you simply MUST!!!

Anyways discover the answer to a most mysterious question! lol
(also great stress relief since I'm freaking out over an interview...)

A Short About Food

Wow! Over 5,000 views on this world!
I can hardly believe it! And despite the fact people rarely comment someone must be reading this! XD hahahaha good times…
Anyways, as a thanks and a celebration I decided to write a short story for the occasion I thought about just posting something recent that I haven’t shared yet but I wanted a happy/funny story not one about squashing an ant, the wonders of the bus or that crazy weird dream I had and my burnt toast story still isn’t done… so I am going to write whatever crazy idea comes to me.
Anyways after writing my random weird story I’ve decided to call it “Crazed Dinner.”
It would be greatly appreciated if you’d comment. I write and my world views go up but nobody ever comments… How am I supposed to improve my writing without input? So PLEASE! Please comment…

Thank you for your viewership!

Crazed Dinner

“Hello Spuddly!” I call out as I enter my apartment.
That's what I’ve named my last potato. Its all I have left, well that and Rosy the Last of the Roast Turkey. It’s still three days until payday. I gotta treat Spuddly and Rosy like old friends so they don’t go bad before I eat them. It is always difficult breaking the news that you’re going to eat them to friends. There’s always an awkward silence as you pull out the plate and prep the microwave or oven.
I pause in the middle of the kitchen. My stomach growls. I sigh, there’s nothing for it I’ve got to eat Rosy. Rosy will provide me with some much needed protein and stick thicker and longer in my stomach. To be honest I also enjoy Spuddly’s company more… his warm earthy brown sitting on the counter corner makes my whole apartment seem homely, whereas Rosy hides in the frig, all covered in spices, and to be honest a bit stuck up.
Spuddly of course, will go soon as well, but he gets a pass today, my mouth is already salivating with the idea of Rosy of the Roast Turkey. I go to pull out a knife then stop midway, think and place a napkin over Spuddly. He doesn’t need to see this. I turn back to the knives and select my weapon. I raise it in front of me and it’s blade glistens under the florescent lights. I walk towards the frig and mentally brace myself for the attack.
Quick and painless. I’ll make it quick and painless. I reach towards the handle, the lights filling the kitchen with a sickly artificial brightness. I lick my lips as I grab the handle and I slowly curl my fingers round then tighten my grip until my knuckles turn white. Primed and ready with the knife pointing to the door crack, I take a deep breath. I open the frig, “Here we go!” I think.
I toss open the frig and the door snaps open with a bang! Knife in hand I dash towards the plastic wrapped turkey breast imbued by me with a name and a life.
If Rosy had a face it would be filled with such fear and betrayal that I may never eat again… but this is no time for mercy. Quick! I raise the knife. Painless! I stab. My aim is true and the knife lands in the center straight through the plastic. The strike makes tearing, crinkling, thud and I can hear the tip of the blade scrapping the plastic plate through the turkey breast once called Rosy. “Good bye Rosy.” I whisper and pull the knife out.
Soon the microwave is humming and turning round. The tantalizing smell of meat fills the air. Before I know I hear the beep beeping and I am preparing a fork and knife. I pull my dinner out and smile. It looks so good! Blocking the plate I turn to the napkin covered bump on my counter.
I pull the napkin off and one handedly fold it back to its original position. I smile down at the potato and stroke its rough skin with my finger. “Tomorrow.” I say with a smile and walk away to the living room to watch TV and eat. As I reach the doorway I turn around and smile at Spuddly.
“Tomorrow you’re mine.”