New Deviant Art account!

so I got a new Deviant art account! for several reasons, I'd been thinking about it for a while but the troll made me do it officially. I already have four pieces submitted. Please check it out here
thanks guys!
(you liek da nice short post yesh?)

Really need someone to listen and just to rant

Okay I am starting to HATE the internet. I'm addicted to comments (as you all know) but I'm starting to wish they didn't exist after this...

I was on deviant art and the creator of "Scott Pilgrim" added a journal post. I commented, being nice. Then a troll comes and insults me. So I go to said Troll's page and type "obvious troll obviously has no life". from now on I will just leave trolls be because this caused a trollsplosion. I did a photoshop of myself you can see here. He then took it and made this. I know its my fault for poking the fat ugly beast so it then sprayed its shit at me but I'm still just offended and hurt. I just want to know from you guys if I have a right to be as upset as I am or not.

B*tch got OWNED! I reported the bastard and now He is perminantly banned from DA!!! but the troll will return, and with more fury. thats why I created a new account so if he goes after my old one I WONT BE THERE!!! mwhahaha. seriously though. rather pleased his ass got banned

Hey Guys!

So I started a new comic. but since its not really anime I thought I'd have better luck at "" the webcomic hosting site. Its really good so far. I uploaded three pages today and I just finished a fourth.

Check out my new Comic here

Here's a promo:

please check it out :)

Alan Wake LP

just thought I'd share the LP mr. Parrot and I are working on of alan wake! Check out my youtube channel to see the rest!

Parts 1-5 are currently on there. I have up to part 13 edited and I'll be uploading them later

thanks for viewing :)

Twili's personal Challenge

Dear Self,
I challenge you to draw a lovely portrait of each big name legendary pokemon. starting with black and white and working down to those of Red and Blue. you cannot submit or spend more then 30 minutes on any other drawing until this is complete.
your first step in this challenge has been taken:
External Image

now go self and complete this task!