After a long day i usually sit down and watch videos on youtube and chat with friends. After a long chain of videos and related video searches i found one titled '(some) Americans are scary dumb' staring Shirley Phelps, daughter of Fred Phelps, head of the WBC (the Westboro Baptist Church).
This group are from Topeka, Kansas, and they are famous in the US as... US haters. They constantly go on pickets bearing signs that read:
God hates Fags
Thank God for Dead Soldiers
Thank God for IED
God Hates America get the idea. This 'Church' has about 120 members or more most of which are the generations of the Phelps family.
Fred Phelps, their preacher and pastor, has been accused of child abuse on several occasions. his daughter, Shirley Phelps, has almost 11 children.
the group accuses gays of eating human poo and of being pedophiles and rapists.
just to make it better they also decided to hate Sweden to for *ahem* "supporting those fags!"

They are doing pickets at soldiers funerals, accusing them of being 'Gay' and 'satan worshipers'. the claim they 'pity those children whose parents did not teach them the ways of the lord so they became fags...'
well lets talk about their children shall we?

on their pickets it is not uncommon to see children under 14 (meaning around 4,5 or 6) holding signs and wearing T-shirts with upside down american flags and two figures who appear to be participating in anal sex, or holding signs that say "God hates fags". when asked if they knew what it ment, they would say no or shake their heads, then the famous Shirley Phelps would bring in one who had be trained to say "fag soldiers are fags and will burn in hell!".....

things that might make you angry:
They picketed at Hieth Ledgers funeral because he was in Brokeback Mountain
They take songs such as "my country tis of thee" and "God save the queen" and replace the lyrics with they're own naming Catholics as "fags" and "Pedophiles"

are you angry yet? if so, then you're not alone, in 2006 one of the WBC's pickets was ruined when an angry mob came, the WBC followers fled to a van which left the scene with a shattered window. most of the phones at the WBC have a 'no unknown caller' rule because of how many prank calls they get. Shirley herself claims: "we have been shot at , people drive at us and we have received a bomb threat at out church".

Unfortunately, the constitution still says freedom to petition, so anywhere they go they get police protection.


After a long day i usually sit down and watch videos on youtube and chat with friends. After a long chain of videos and related video searches i found one titled '(some) Americans are scary dumb' staring Shirley Phelps, daughter of Fred Phelps, head of the WBC (the Westboro Baptist Church).
This group are from Topeka, Kansas, and they are famous in the US as... US haters. They constantly go on pickets bearing signs that read:
God hates Fags
Thank God for Dead Soldiers
Thank God for IED
God Hates America get the idea. This 'Church' has about 120 members or more most of which are the generations of the Phelps family.
Fred Phelps, their preacher and pastor, has been accused of child abuse on several occasions. his daughter, Shirley Phelps, has almost 11 children.
the group accuses gays of eating human poo and of being pedophiles and rapists.
just to make it better they also decided to hate Sweden to for *ahem* "supporting those fags!"

They are doing pickets at soldiers funerals, accusing them of being 'Gay' and 'satan worshipers'. the claim they 'pity those children whose parents did not teach them the ways of the lord so they became fags...'
well lets talk about their children shall we?

on their pickets it is not uncommon to see children under 14 (meaning around 4,5 or 6) holding signs and wearing T-shirts with upside down american flags and two figures who appear to be participating in anal sex, or holding signs that say "God hates fags". when asked if they knew what it ment, they would say no or shake their heads, then the famous Shirley Phelps would bring in one who had be trained to say "fag soldiers are fags and will burn in hell!".....

things that might make you angry:
They picketed at Hieth Ledgers funeral because he was in Brokeback Mountain
They take songs such as "my country tis of thee" and "God save the queen" and replace the lyrics with they're own naming Catholics as "fags" and "Pedophiles"

are you angry yet? if so, then you're not alone, in 2006 one of the WBC's pickets was ruined when an angry mob came, the WBC followers fled to a van which left the scene with a shattered window. most of the phones at the WBC have a 'no unknown caller' rule because of how many prank calls they get. Shirley herself claims: "we have been shot at , people drive at us and we have received a bomb threat at out church".

Unfortunately, the constitution still says freedom to petition, so anywhere they go they get police protection.
