(*laughs hard*) Oh, man! This is too freaking hilarious! XD (And go figure that I'd be randomly listening to the Pokemon soundtrack while I'm reading this, too. 8D )
hey you know me I love pokemon and anime alot that was a cool story Flint i know i cheated to at pokemon but why do think they made the websites like, gamefaqs, and other sites so we can beat the games fast you know what i mean
Where do you get those action replay thingys? I want one (looks down at DS screen and sreams in fustration after losing to some trainer) then again those things arn't the most best thing for my Pokemon diamond game/DS.
Dude!! That was so good!! I had an emulator of pokemon red that I got missingno. on and used to cheat. But my computer's dying and I can't use it anymore.
I totally understand how you feel about the diamond and pearl pokemon.
Every single one of them looks horrific! Okay bye.
This almost sounds like my story! I started with gold, used GameShark and messed up my game only to make it eternally useless. Then I skipped Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald and got Pearl (with an Emerald) and never cheated again. I understand your plight.
hmm... to be perfectly honest, I've never actually cheated in a game of pokemon. nor have I wanted to... except during the elite four matches, their a pain in the arse.XP lol
anywho, good article!^^ lol kinda reminded me of two pokenerds I know duking it out every other hour... lmao KEEP IT UP!!!
i didnt think you could cheat in pokemon *looks down on her version of leafgreen* um..yea...I guess i'll listen to your awesome story and not cheat :) it was great by the way loved it
Last edited by SomeGuy at 3:30:41 AM EDT on October 16, 2008.
I've never cheated on Pokemon... oh, wait, hang on *Thinks for a minute* Yes I have. But only once. A Walk Anywhere cheat. I loved this essay! It was fun to read, and I look forward to more like this!
This brings back so many memories... so many sad sad memories of my horrid cheater days. I thing I finally went cheater rehab when my game cartridge shorted out from too many cheat codes. I haven't cheated since. I still play from time to time but never again shall I cheat.
My 9 year old sister on the other hand... her and my mom have yet to see that horrible light that what they do is wrong. So very wrong and that they're hyped up pokemon only suffer their sad fates.
Lol, wow. That's amusing. An electric Bulbasaur and a flying Meowth xD
I don't think I've ever cheated. Oh wait... *recalls the time she tested out the GB Gameshark on her Yellow and made the legendaries her starting party*
Nevermind... xP
But quite an interesting essay let alone it being about Pokemon ^^
And I do quite agree on legendaries becoming much more awesome looking now except for some... *looks at Shaymin*
Well, its Sky form makes up for it I guess.
Anyways, awesome work! ^^b
I've probably cheated at Pokemon too, thanks to the endless amount of stats and websites my brothers have raided. XD
God, this was absolutely great! Best Pokemon essay I've ever read!
I loved my FireRed, and I definitely cheated past the Elite Four (with the help of my brother, of course), and my Emerald was mediocre. If only I hadn't lost my FireRed, I would have risen my Charizard to new heights! *laughs maniacally in the corner with her nice white 'coat' on*
Some of those new Pokemon are the most wacked out things I've ever seen in my entire life. Some of them still haunt my dreams... *shudders*
Again, brilliant, brilliant writing. Hats off to you, man!
Wow.That was deep!To tell you the truth,I've never cheated at Pokemon.I don't like that stuff that much.I think you need to raise a Pokemon with love and care,even though I battle with them like CRAZY so they can be strong for me!Besides,battling them makes them like you more,which I treasure,even though they're non-existent creatures...Figments of our imagination...
I also LOVE catching rare/legendary Pokemon,because the thought of such a majestic,beautiful creature caring for you so much as to fall on the battlefield makes me shiver.XD
Anyway,good job on the story!I hope to see more stories from you!
This was just....amazing. The way you shared your struggle with cheating in Pokemon was both heart-renching and full of laughs! *drama drama drama* But seriously, this was awesomely well written and hilarous xD We all have cheated on Pokemon I'm sure (well not ALL but...a lot) either with innocent walkthru or something more intense. Job well done my friend.
xD That was great.I hate to say that I was like the only person that DIDN'T cheat at Pokemon.Mostly because I felt bad if I did,and the fact that I was too much of a Pokemon n00b and cheap to buy any cheats.For God's sake though,I lost to an 8 year old in a battle link!*pounds head against desk*
Well,despite me and my noobish ways,I hope to see more awesome essays from you!
That was a mixture of Sin City and Pokemon and it was very weird... But I LOVED it! Like I have to be at Graduation soon and I wanted to get ready and stuff but I couldn't stop reading! And then I finished and I HAD to comment! Lovely stuff, mate! Very good read.
Heh heh... I enjoyed reading that. ^^ It kind of reminded me of when I cheated at Pokemon Ruby and stuff. XD Now I too have Diamond, although I got bored with it pretty quickly. I guess Pokemon just isn't as fun to me as it used to be. ;( Either way, I wish you and your wimpy little Bidoof the best of luck! XD
And now that you have followed my advice and published this, I can only say kudos.
May the young ones come flocking to you now and witness the awesome and frightening power that is Flint and that which comes from his mouth on the wind of his breath. And stuff.
I made good on a promise to my brother, and traded that electric Bulbasaur for a bidoof.
Oh how I laughed at that line . . .
Okay, dude . . . . why the crap did you not nominate this for publication? This is quite possibly the greatest Pokemon essay I have ever read in the history of the universe - the Pokemon universe, anyway.
You need to edit this bad-boy and check the little check-box near the bottom to "nominate this for fan word publication". I know this goes against your general Naked Snake hiding in the grass style, but this NEEDS to be shared with the masses.
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/18/10 | Reply
KAHAHAHAHA ( can hardly speak for laughing) that was a great story
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/04/09 | Reply
(*laughs hard*) Oh, man! This is too freaking hilarious! XD (And go figure that I'd be randomly listening to the Pokemon soundtrack while I'm reading this, too. 8D )
Anyway, great job! X3
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/20/09 | Reply
hey you know me I love pokemon and anime alot that was a cool story Flint i know i cheated to at pokemon but why do think they made the websites like, gamefaqs, and other sites so we can beat the games fast you know what i mean

Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/15/09 | Reply
I'd almost forgotten the missingno... Ah, memories... I used some cheat to get a Mew once... My little Mew...
I'm glad you published this as fan-words ^^ epic stuff.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
To borrow a line from Kir, albeit a bit edited for the situation, "Um, Flint, holy crap!"
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/05/08 | Reply
Where do you get those action replay thingys? I want one (looks down at DS screen and sreams in fustration after losing to some trainer) then again those things arn't the most best thing for my Pokemon diamond game/DS.
colonel sanders
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/28/08 | Reply
Dude!! That was so good!! I had an emulator of pokemon red that I got missingno. on and used to cheat.
But my computer's dying and I can't use it anymore.
I totally understand how you feel about the diamond and pearl pokemon.
Every single one of them looks horrific! Okay bye.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/28/08 | Reply
Wow...just wow...I'm overwhelmed with this, truly.
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
This almost sounds like my story! I started with gold, used GameShark and messed up my game only to make it eternally useless. Then I skipped Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald and got Pearl (with an Emerald) and never cheated again. I understand your plight.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Brilliant. So true.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
Did I not comment to say that this rocks? What is WRONG with me?
Anyway, Flint: IT ROCKS.
Otakuite | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
I am a fan of using the AR. Though I don't particular use h4x against people at random.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/26/08 | Reply
Back when me and my brother used to play Pokemon games all the time, if I knew of those cheats, I probably would have done them. xD
But now... after reading this, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to. Nice essay!
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/26/08 | Reply
hmm... to be perfectly honest, I've never actually cheated in a game of pokemon. nor have I wanted to... except during the elite four matches, their a pain in the arse.XP lol
anywho, good article!^^ lol kinda reminded me of two pokenerds I know duking it out every other hour... lmao KEEP IT UP!!!
shadow princess
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
i didnt think you could cheat in pokemon *looks down on her version of leafgreen* um..yea...I guess i'll listen to your awesome story and not cheat :) it was great by the way
loved it
Last edited by SomeGuy at 3:30:41 AM EDT on October 16, 2008.
fluffy sama fan
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
I've never cheated on Pokemon... oh, wait, hang on *Thinks for a minute* Yes I have. But only once. A Walk Anywhere cheat. I loved this essay! It was fun to read, and I look forward to more like this!
Otakuite | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
The horror of a flying meowth. insanity!
besides that, a very cool article imo (especially Giratina...uber cool), even if I do have a hard time agreeing with cheating.
Miss Anonymous
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
Is the moral of this story perhaps that "cheaters never truly prosper"?
Or that cheaters will eventually become dirt particles on the wall?
Very enjoyable read; well-written, witty, good story. Kudos!
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
Great article, I am impressed--
a wit 2
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
My 9 year old sister on the other hand... her and my mom have yet to see that horrible light that what they do is wrong. So very wrong and that they're hyped up pokemon only suffer their sad fates.
Lunar Rukario
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
Lol, wow. That's amusing. An electric Bulbasaur and a flying Meowth xD
I don't think I've ever cheated. Oh wait... *recalls the time she tested out the GB Gameshark on her Yellow and made the legendaries her starting party*
Nevermind... xP
But quite an interesting essay let alone it being about Pokemon ^^
And I do quite agree on legendaries becoming much more awesome looking now except for some... *looks at Shaymin*
Well, its Sky form makes up for it I guess.
Anyways, awesome work! ^^b
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
I've probably cheated at Pokemon too, thanks to the endless amount of stats and websites my brothers have raided. XD
God, this was absolutely great! Best Pokemon essay I've ever read!
I loved my FireRed, and I definitely cheated past the Elite Four (with the help of my brother, of course), and my Emerald was mediocre. If only I hadn't lost my FireRed, I would have risen my Charizard to new heights! *laughs maniacally in the corner with her nice white 'coat' on*
Some of those new Pokemon are the most wacked out things I've ever seen in my entire life. Some of them still haunt my dreams... *shudders*
Again, brilliant, brilliant writing. Hats off to you, man!
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
Wow.That was deep!To tell you the truth,I've never cheated at Pokemon.I don't like that stuff that much.I think you need to raise a Pokemon with love and care,even though I battle with them like CRAZY so they can be strong for me!Besides,battling them makes them like you more,which I treasure,even though they're non-existent creatures...Figments of our imagination...
I also LOVE catching rare/legendary Pokemon,because the thought of such a majestic,beautiful creature caring for you so much as to fall on the battlefield makes me shiver.XD
Anyway,good job on the story!I hope to see more stories from you!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
This was just....amazing. The way you shared your struggle with cheating in Pokemon was both heart-renching and full of laughs! *drama drama drama* But seriously, this was awesomely well written and hilarous xD We all have cheated on Pokemon I'm sure (well not ALL but...a lot) either with innocent walkthru or something more intense. Job well done my friend.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
I never cheated at pokemon...
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
xD That was great.I hate to say that I was like the only person that DIDN'T cheat at Pokemon.Mostly because I felt bad if I did,and the fact that I was too much of a Pokemon n00b and cheap to buy any cheats.For God's sake though,I lost to an 8 year old in a battle link!*pounds head against desk*
Well,despite me and my noobish ways,I hope to see more awesome essays from you!
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
I guess we could all say we've cheated at Pokemon. Whether its using Websites for rare items, or codes to catch pokemon we've all been there
Great essay, made me laugh, espically since i was playing pearl on sunday.
Anyhow i loved your essay
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
That was a mixture of Sin City and Pokemon and it was very weird... But I LOVED it! Like I have to be at Graduation soon and I wanted to get ready and stuff but I couldn't stop reading! And then I finished and I HAD to comment! Lovely stuff, mate! Very good read.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
Heh heh... I enjoyed reading that. ^^ It kind of reminded me of when I cheated at Pokemon Ruby and stuff. XD Now I too have Diamond, although I got bored with it pretty quickly. I guess Pokemon just isn't as fun to me as it used to be. ;( Either way, I wish you and your wimpy little Bidoof the best of luck! XD
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
And now that you have followed my advice and published this, I can only say kudos.
May the young ones come flocking to you now and witness the awesome and frightening power that is Flint and that which comes from his mouth on the wind of his breath. And stuff.
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
I made good on a promise to my brother, and traded that electric Bulbasaur for a bidoof.
Oh how I laughed at that line . . .
Okay, dude . . . . why the crap did you not nominate this for publication? This is quite possibly the greatest Pokemon essay I have ever read in the history of the universe - the Pokemon universe, anyway.
You need to edit this bad-boy and check the little check-box near the bottom to "nominate this for fan word publication". I know this goes against your general Naked Snake hiding in the grass style, but this NEEDS to be shared with the masses.
NEEDS to be!
Ahem . . . other than that, while on the subject of cheating at Pokemon: