Hey people! Just my little blog thingy I got here, nothing special. I'll start to put more things here later.
P.S. I don't have much fanart, but I'm working on it!


Hiya! I'm twilight luna! You can call me Luna for short. If anyone wants to be my friend, just let me know! Send me a PM or something, I like talking to people! Oh, and you can sign my guestbook too if you want.

Luna (animal)
A wolf-like creature who is obsessed with the Japanese culture. Likes sleeping a little too much, hanging out with friends and yaoi, LOTS of yaoi. *drool* (PLEASE spare her from the flames.) Is friendly until given a reason not to be. ^_^ Likes reading to the point where you can't snap her out of her book induced stupor. When called "weird" by someone, she either thinks otherwise or thanks that person for the complement. Sarcasm and irony are her strong points.

Beeeawww, baby!

P.S. Riku is MINE cause he's burning hot!

Hey look, I gots me a trainer card!

Link to Cameron's trainer card (he's my opposite gender alter ego):
Cameron's Trainer Card

I has quiz

-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.
(Lol, I'm breaking the rules already, kay? Anyone can do this, I dun care. XD)

1. Perfect?: HELL NO. I successfully tripped over a flat surface TWICE in one day!
2. Tall?: I'm like average height for a girl.
3. In your pajamas?: Nope, just regular clothes.
4. Left handed?: No, but my dad is.

1. Friend you saw: Uh... more like friends cause I saw my group of friends that hang out at my locker after school last.
2. Talked to on the phone: Ashley
3. Person to text you: Also Ashley, lol.
4. Was today better than yesterday?: So far, not really, but only cause it's less eventful.

1. Number: 3 Dunno why, I just picked it one day.
2. Color(s): Green and red. *blinks* Aw dang... >_> *Just realized those are Christmas colors...*
3. Fruit: Hmm, I'd say either pineapples or strawberries.
4. Place: One of my friends' houses. There's never a dull moment, trust me. :D

1. Are you missing someone right now? Not necessarily. I just wish I wasn't such a chicken and would ask my BF if he wants to go out sometime. ^^;
2. Are you happy? Sure! :D
3. Are you sad? Nope
4. Are you bored? A bit, but that's why I'm doing this, lol.
6. Are you nervous? Oh crap, I should be!! I just remembered my friend Rachel should be dragging me off to get a dress for Junior Prom soon! Gah, I'm always nervous in dresses...
8. Are you tired? Sort of, but it's like only 3:30 where I am.

1. Eating? I made Pad Thai earlier. It was soooo good.
2. Drinking? Nothing at the moment.
3. I'm about to: Check my email. Sooner or later...
4. Listening to? My brother talk to his frinds on the Xbox 360. It's hilarious how funny 15-year-olds can be!
5. Plans for today? Uh... nothing unless one of my friends invites me over. That might be tomorrow though if my friends are bored enough. (We're off for an Inservice Day)

1. Drank bubbles? Ew, like soap bubbles? *gags* Nope.
2. Lost glasses/contacts? I've accidently dropped my contact lenses several times, which leads to them going in the sink and down the drain. XD
3. Ran away from home? No, but sometimes I want to. I just need a place to go.
4. Broken someone's heart? No, and I hope I won't have to.
5. Been arrested? Nope.

1. Miracles? Yeah
2. Yourself? Sometimes. (Ha, more like never. I swear, my friend Rachel coaches me on this kind of stuff XD)
3. Heaven? Yep
4. Santa Claus? Not since I was eight.
4. Love? Yeah, but there are different kinds of love. Like the love you give to a special someone, the love you give to friends, and the love you give to family.
5. Do you like someone? Of course I do, I have a boyfriend. ^^ But I like my friends and family too.
6. Do you believe in God? Uh-huh
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Yeah, it'd make no sense to lie about simple stuff like this.

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Got ready for church since it's Sunday. Gah... it was too early. XD

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Yeah, but I'll find a way to overcome them.

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Well, I watched like 5 minutes of The Last House on the Left and left the room cause I almost threw up. Just look up the story and you'll see why...

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Church

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: Haha, sure do! My friends prolly think I have like a smiling disease!

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: Not really. Unless I happen to watch Pinocchio. ^_^

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yeah, unless someone gives me a reason not to be.

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In my bed.

Q: When was the last time you cried:
A: I think that was a little less than a week ago. (I slipped on black ice. >_< But I laughed later cause I ended up bruising my ass. XD I didn't think it was possible!)

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Well, I was roleplaying via text before I went to sleep, so it was probably something like squeeing over my character and her boyfriend. XD

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: Around seven.

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Like I said before, my bro on the Xbox 360. And he's still acting like a weirdo with his friends. XD

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My stomach. I ate too much of that amazing Pad Thai. XD

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: Any month in the spring cause I can get some mad spring fever. (Not THAT spring fever!!! *slaps you're face with a white glove* I just like the spring season!)

Q: What did you do last night?
A: I was checking the roleplays I'm in on gaiaonline.com


It's a passion called Marching Band!

Something that has nothing to do with the anime world whatsoever. Marching Band. Yep, I'm in marching band and it freakin' rules! My teacher is Mr. Detato(aka Mr. Potato when the band is feeling silly) and out Drum Major (marching band conductor) is my friend Amy. I'm going to be a veteran for my first year because I was a rookie last year. The reason I'm bringing all of this up now instead of during school (yeah, I said the s-word... wait, not that s-word! *ahem*) is because we had a summer practice a couple days ago. We're gonna have two more practices and then comes BAND CAMP. Yes, marching band has a camp. You laugh and I'll get all of our seniors to jump you. (Don't worry, I'm kidding...) Anyway, it's basically 2 1/2 school weeks of blood, sweat and tears. Ok, maybe not blood.... but there's a lot of sweat and maybe some tears. We get our music done and memorized as best as we can (we perfect it during school year practices and a lot before we do any shows or football games) and then we start learning the marching to go along with the music and then our whole show. But we march and learn our show on a big field behind my school in mostly 90 degree August weather. That's where all the sweat comes in... The tears come in when one of our drill instructors, Lisa, whacks you in the heels if you don't march correctly. But then Greg, our other drill instructor, (we have 2) graces us with a water break. We love Lisa, but she can be your best friend and worst enemy at the same time. She just works us really hard. But that's what marching band is all about. Band camp runs from 8:00 in the morning to 4:30. At least we get an hour off of last years schedule because it used to be from 8:00 to 5:30. Usually everyone is about to fall over at the end of the day but it feels good to know that the band has conquered yet another day of band camp. And then there's practice once school starts. We have practice Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:15 after school to 6:00. Monday we have off and every Friday we go to a football game that's either away or home. Football games are so much fun to be at! If our school's team is playing home, we get to play our show before the game starts. If our team's playing away, we play during half-time. And during the game we play fight songs! It's so much fun! One time we actually got to play Kashmir by Led Zepplin. But anyway, fight songs really get your feet tapping and team spirit going. Usually all of us get really hyper during football games because of all of the fight song playing and the candy we get from the food stands! We also play at competitions for awards almost every Saturday or sometimes Sunday, but that's rare. Last year, we mostly got second place and first place at competitions. But that doesn't really matter. Having fun playing awesome music and having fun with what you're dedicated to doing is all that matters. Dedication comes first, because without it, everyone in our band would've quit by now and it's not even the begining of school yet! Fun comes whenever you feel like it. Whether it's during the show, during a solo you might have, or after the show when you're explaining to your family how awesome it was for the hundreth time but all they say in reply is, "Yes, honey, we know. We were there to watch you play and you had a smile on the whole time..." Or after the show when most of the band goes to IHOP at freakin' 12:00 at night to celebrate a first place at a competition... Yeah, we're just that awesome. Marching band takes a lot of work, concentration, and stamina, but it's all worth it when you're holding that first place trophy in the middle of a band geek mosh pit. The whole band is kept together with teamwork, helping each other out, and spurring each other on. Marching band's not an easy thing to do, but I love it. In the words of a bunch of wise veterans during my rookie year, "If you can't take marching band, go play for the football team!"

For those of you who are band people or just want to know, this year's show for our band has a video game theme and consists of the Halo Theme, the opening theme from Civilization IV, and Attack on Fort Schmerzen from Medal of Honor.
