Hey people! Just my little blog thingy I got here, nothing special. I'll start to put more things here later.
P.S. I don't have much fanart, but I'm working on it!


Hiya! I'm twilight luna! You can call me Luna for short. If anyone wants to be my friend, just let me know! Send me a PM or something, I like talking to people! Oh, and you can sign my guestbook too if you want.

Luna (animal)
A wolf-like creature who is obsessed with the Japanese culture. Likes sleeping a little too much, hanging out with friends and yaoi, LOTS of yaoi. *drool* (PLEASE spare her from the flames.) Is friendly until given a reason not to be. ^_^ Likes reading to the point where you can't snap her out of her book induced stupor. When called "weird" by someone, she either thinks otherwise or thanks that person for the complement. Sarcasm and irony are her strong points.

Beeeawww, baby!

P.S. Riku is MINE cause he's burning hot!

Hey look, I gots me a trainer card!

Link to Cameron's trainer card (he's my opposite gender alter ego):
Cameron's Trainer Card

Spur of the Moment? You Betcha...

Y’know all of those people
Who say that they think you’re fake?
Well, when I’m told that a lot
I don’t think I really care
I’m whatever I feel like being
One day I’ll wear black, multiple wristbands and a choker
The next, I’ll wear a nice turtleneck with flats
And the next after that, I’ll wear a vest with a billowy tasseled scarf
Does that mean I could be punk, nerd chic, and indie at the same time?
Why yes, I think it does

I can’t be labeled as just one type of person
I wear what I feel like and you’ll like it
‘Cause, honey, the truth is, you can’t stamp me with a label
And I’m not gonna be some open book
That’ll tell you exactly what I’m feeling
I’m whatever I feel like being
And I’ll act and dress according to what I like
Not what others think I should be like
You don’t know me
So don’t act like you do

I see those kids
Who act and dress according
To some teenage bible of a status quo
And I think to myself,
“Don’t they ever just wanna
Try something new for a day?”
I find it hard to believe
That a person wants to act and dress
The same way their whole life
People should be what they wanna be
And not what society labels them as
They should be whatever they feel like being

And I don’t care if I only know
A couple songs by Green Day
I still like their music
And I don’t care if I’m laughed at for
Loving David Archuleta’s voice
He’s still a great singer
I don’t even care if Nickelback and Linkin Park
Are considered dead and gone
I still listen to them and relive the glory days

Call me a poser if you will
I don’t think I’m caring
I just like a lot of polar opposite things
And really, it shouldn’t matter
It won’t matter 20 years from now
What clothes I had and how many people
I friended on Facebook
Or what parties I went to just so
I wouldn’t be called a loser

The sad thing is, the way I am
Can be rather stereotypical to a person
They think they know me just because
I wear what I wear and I do what I do
They don’t get to know
The real me inside
Under these clothes and under the ‘tude
There’s a real person underneath
And, really, who cares about anything else?
