Hey people! Just my little blog thingy I got here, nothing special. I'll start to put more things here later.
P.S. I don't have much fanart, but I'm working on it!


Hiya! I'm twilight luna! You can call me Luna for short. If anyone wants to be my friend, just let me know! Send me a PM or something, I like talking to people! Oh, and you can sign my guestbook too if you want.

Luna (animal)
A wolf-like creature who is obsessed with the Japanese culture. Likes sleeping a little too much, hanging out with friends and yaoi, LOTS of yaoi. *drool* (PLEASE spare her from the flames.) Is friendly until given a reason not to be. ^_^ Likes reading to the point where you can't snap her out of her book induced stupor. When called "weird" by someone, she either thinks otherwise or thanks that person for the complement. Sarcasm and irony are her strong points.

Beeeawww, baby!

P.S. Riku is MINE cause he's burning hot!

Hey look, I gots me a trainer card!

Link to Cameron's trainer card (he's my opposite gender alter ego):
Cameron's Trainer Card

My second tag...

Told ya I'd do another one. (unfortunately, I have to, otherwise my tagger [narutoKHfighter, again] will hurt me...)
So here I go...

1. I can make riddles easily.
2. My voice can sound like my brother's no problem even though we're not twins and are 2 years apart. (My parents still confuse our voices up)
3. Out of my family, I'm the only one with enough hand-foot coordination to play DDR. (Just ask them, they'll tell you I'm the champ. ^^)
4. I still have the original Pokémon trading cards from when I was six..... and I'm fifteen now...
5. Whenever I'm with my friends for an extended period of time, I usually get high or my IQ drops 10 points. (Believe me, this is true)
6. I slept with my "blankies" until I was 12 going on to 13. My parents didn't want me to have them when I turned into a teen.
7. Lying is very easy for me to do.
8. Keeping a straight face when talking about awkward teen subjects isn't...

Remember, you laugh, you're tagged!
(narutoKHfighter, I know you're going to laugh at least once when you read this, so you have the choice of doing this the fourth time or not, kay?)
