My second tag...

Told ya I'd do another one. (unfortunately, I have to, otherwise my tagger [narutoKHfighter, again] will hurt me...)
So here I go...

1. I can make riddles easily.
2. My voice can sound like my brother's no problem even though we're not twins and are 2 years apart. (My parents still confuse our voices up)
3. Out of my family, I'm the only one with enough hand-foot coordination to play DDR. (Just ask them, they'll tell you I'm the champ. ^^)
4. I still have the original Pokémon trading cards from when I was six..... and I'm fifteen now...
5. Whenever I'm with my friends for an extended period of time, I usually get high or my IQ drops 10 points. (Believe me, this is true)
6. I slept with my "blankies" until I was 12 going on to 13. My parents didn't want me to have them when I turned into a teen.
7. Lying is very easy for me to do.
8. Keeping a straight face when talking about awkward teen subjects isn't...

Remember, you laugh, you're tagged!
(narutoKHfighter, I know you're going to laugh at least once when you read this, so you have the choice of doing this the fourth time or not, kay?)
